How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 5

Start from the beginning

I jumped out the window, I wasn't willing to lose my escape that easily. But he caught me! The old man was strong, not superhumanly strong but just more than average strong. Plus I was pretty light....

The old man easily heaved me back inside and I landed on the floor with such force I thought it would break. Pain shot up my legs and I cried out as the old man grabbed my hair and began to drag me back towards the closet. I was in full on panic mode. I seriously did NOT want to become this old man's next play thing locked up in his closet for eternity.

He threw me in there and I instantly put my feet up against the door and pushed back with all my might. I was pushing the door open and the man was trying to close it. It was a battle of strength now, though I had the upper hand. Or so I thought....

I felt myself beginning to get weaker, my clothes getting bigger, my body getting smaller. I was turning into a kid! So that explains that little boy's strength, he wasn't a little boy after all. The old man was getting the upper hand now. If this kept up I would turn into a little boy too and get locked in here. I had to think of something and fast. An idea flashed through my mind and I dashed through the open space between the man's legs and out of the closet. I was small and was able to fit perfectly through practically every where and easily made my way downstairs.

By the time I got to the front door I was almost my normal size again. I guessed the longer you stayed in there, the longer you became a child or something like that. I threw open the door and to my utter shock and surprise, Josh was outside waiting for me.

Zoey's POV

"Come on! Just come here! Please!"

I wandered to the side of the house. I knew that I wasn't supposed to be there but what if I had chosen the wrong house. What if it was Josh or August or someone trying to help me? I needed to check first. As I made it to where I had first heard the voice. I nearly jumped out of my skin when someone jumped out of the bushes, grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in.

I came face to face with a very scared looking, dirty and smelly person. I couldn't tell if they were a girl or boy but I could register the look of paranoia on their face. "We're all going to die!" They said in a hushed whisper, their voice cracking up as if they were about to cry. I couldn't tell if they were scared or happy to see me. The person let out the weirdest smile I had ever seen. It looked like they were still scared to just smile or if they hadn't practiced smiling in years. "I've been here forever. You don't age. You don't sleep. You just survive. You just run. And when everyone around you dies you just continue to run. And if you don't run you die. Please stay with me. I don't wanna see anyone else die. They all died. All my friends. My family. But no one in the town dies. They're all evil. Every last one of them. EVIL! EVIL!! EVERYWHERE MILES FROM HERE IS EVIL! IT'S EVIL! IT'S EVIL!!"

Within seconds, the person had gotten completely hysterical. They gripped my arm so tightly it looked like it was about to burst. I tried to pull away but they wouldn't let go. They were causing a scene and I was afraid that they were going to attract something towards me. Something bad... I glanced over my shoulder and saw a glimpse of someone. Josh! I instantly thought before realizing the possibilities. It could be anyone. It could be The Riddler or that weird person following me, or whatever killed Brianna.

I couldn't let this weirdo jeopardize me. I did my best to calm them down but they wouldn't listen. They were making too much of a scene. I reluctantly tried to kick them away, before becoming frustrated and giving them a hard kick to the head. They let go of my arm and fell over, seemingly knocked out from the blow. Suddenly, the door of the house opened. A sad looking woman stepped out.

"Who's there?" She sobbed, wiping away her tears with a thick wool sweater. I looked back at the weirdo I had just knocked out. Nobody was there. I stepped back out of the bushes, afraid of where the weirdo might of gone. "Hello!" The woman called again. I was flooded with emotion. I had found the right house, I was going to be saved!

"Hello! I'm here please you have to help me miss!" I shouted as I ran to her. She seemed a bit offended when I called her 'miss' but she wiped away her tears and welcomed me with open arms.


She invited me inside for dinner. I learned that she was a widow and her name was Navete. It was a very beautiful name. She said her husband had been murdered recently, and I told her about all the things that had happened to me since I got here. She told me that I would find my friends soon, and that I would meet them shortly.... Or that's what I thought.

I began to feel really tired. I had been wandering around for a long time, and now my belly was full with a delicious meal so of course I would feel sleepy.... Right?

I also began to feel a bit woozy and dizzy. Almost as if I was drunk. But it was just that the pork she had made had a funny taste, I mean, I didn't even like pork anyway. She didn't do anything to me, she was a good person. She couldn't of drugged me right?

She kept on complimenting me, especially my butterfly tattoo on my wrist. She said it was beautiful and that she would love to have it. That was nice of her... She was.... Way to nice to do something bad... R-Right?

I was hiccuping and feeling tired..... I felt like a drunk looney tunes character. I could barely form my words. She was stroking and caressing my hand... I didn't even notice as she pulled out a shiny, silver, metal object and brought it towards me.

Josh's POV

Tucker never said I word to me, but the short glance we shared was all the words he needed to say. He had experienced the same thing as me, I knew it. He quickly hopped outside and slammed the door shut. I got into action and helped him hold it down. Someone was banging on the other side furiously. I thought for a second that Tucker looked younger, but another looked changed my mind and I focused on the task at hand.

Had I chosen the wrong house?

Had I doomed us all to death?

The answer to that, I didn't know. All I knew is that I found one of my friends. Alive. And that was all the hope I needed.


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