Chapter 7: Gideon Rises (Part 1)

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"Mabel, no offense, but that grappling hook has literally never helped us once," I admitted.

"Not true!" she protested.

"So you lost the Shack," Soos confessed from across the room. He was sitting on the floor in nothing but his underwear, a small car track sat in front of him. "Look on the bright side, dudes! Now you get to live here with me, Soos! Hey, anyone want to play race cars? They're out of batteries but we can make pretend," Soos offered as he accidentally spit 2 candies from his mouth. "Would that be a new low if I ate that? Haha I'm just kidding, I'm totally eating it!"

Looking frustrated, Stan announced, "We gotta get the Shack back." That's one thing we could all agree on.

It still felt like I was dreaming. I wished I was dreaming.

Slowly, everyone got ready. Soos' grandma had a small home, definitely not meant for 6 people to share. Things we're kinda cramped. No one really said much but Y/n was especially distant, distracted by her own thoughts. I wanted to talk to her, but I didn't know what to say. I mean, what do you say to a person going through what she is? Someone she'd trusted for all her life turned out to be... maybe sometimes silence is better than words.

When mid-afternoon approached, me, Y/n, Mabel, Stan and Soos put on black trench coats and fedoras then made our way to Stan's car. Stan stepped on the gas, and with that we were off to the Mystery Shack to find out what Gideon's big plans were for the shack. In all honesty, dressing so spy-like would really only make us stand out in a crowd, but our faces were covered, so I guess it would work.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Mabel pulling something out of her pocket. Then, without warning, she slapped a beard on Soos, a mustache on Y/n, then a mustache on herself.

I looked at Y/n who was more startled than surprised. She'd gotten used to Mabel's randomness, but she still smiled. It was good to see her smile.

"Thanks, Mabel," She said happily.

"Yeah, thanks girl dude," Soos agreed.

Before Mabel could respond, the car came to a jerking halt. No surprise with Stan at the wheel.

"Alright," Stan began, "Plan is we break in and punch that little troll. It's legal to punch a child, right?"

"As much as I want to punch Gideon, unfortunately not," Y/n replied. "Let's save that for next time."

With that, the five of us got out of the car. A barbed wire fence lined the shack, but we got around it rather easily when Gideon's guards were distracted. When we got in, we stayed in the back to avoid getting caught. We got there just in time, just before Gideon announced his plans.

Gideon stepped towards his announcer's stand. "Ladies and gentlemen! Today I am delighted to announce my plans for the former Mystery Shack," he declared as his father, Bug Gleeful wheeled over his plans under a tarp. "I give you... Gideonland!" He yanked off the brown tarp, revealing a miniature theme park, all centered around Gideon.

The five of us gasped in horror.

"We're gonna turn this dirty ol' shack into three square miles of Gideon-tertainment. And introducin' our new mascot, Lil' Gideon Jr.!" Gideon proclaimed. He walked over to his dad who lifted a cloak to display... Waddles in a Gideon costume! "Boom, he's a pig!"

"Waddles! You monster!" Mabel cried.

"All right, that's it!" Stan demanded, ripping of disguise. Gideon had officially taken things too far. Stan pushed through the crowd, plowing a path for the rest of us to follow. Only after we ran up onto the stage, I realized Soos didn't follow. The four of us climbed onto the stage. Mabel kicked down a cardboard Gideon, Stan took his place behind the podium and me and Y/n stood beside him. All eyes were on us.

A Summer in Gravity Falls (Dipper X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang