Chapter 4: The Time Traveler's Pig (Part 1)

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A/N: Hey wonderful readers! I just wanted to apologize for taking so long to write this chapter. I know I said it would only be 1-2 weeks per chapter... but school among other things has been keeping me plenty busy. 

Also, I just wanted to say thanks for the votes, comments and the reads! I really appreciate it.

And, just letting you know, I said that I would write 2 chapters of the commenters choice. Currently, Summerween is going to be the other chapter, but voting is still open.

Y/N's POV:

It hasn't been all that long since the party. Dipper, Mabel and I have learned some pretty interesting things about Gravity Falls, though. Mabel met this rude, obnoxious, rich girl named Pacifica Northwest at the party. She acts like she's better than everyone because her great great grandfather founded the town, but as it turns out, her family is a complete fraud! Other than that, not much is new.

Right now, Mabel, Stan and I were watching the Mystery Fair being set up.

"There she is, kids. The cheapest fair money can rent. I spared every expense," Stan boasted.

We heard screaming from above that was getting louder and louder. I heard a crash and looked over to see Dipper in a broken sky tram. "Oh my gosh! Dipper, are you alright?"

"I think the sky tram is broken. Also, most of my bones," Dipper said, looking a little disorientated.

"Ha ha, this guy. Alright, alright. I've got a job for you three," Stan explained. He held up a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates with an A+ on them. "I printed up a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates. Go slap one on anything that looks like a lawsuit."

"Grunkle Stan, is that legal?" Mabel asked.

"When there's no cops around, anything's legal!" Stan said excitedly with a big smile on his face. Stan walked over to Soos who was blow torching the handle of the dunk tank and started talking with him.

"So, how about we don't hang up these illegal certificates?" Dipper suggested.

"Good idea. I like sleeping in our room and not a jail cell," I agreed

We shared a laugh.

"Haha, yeah... buy you know what we can put up?" a smile spread acrossed Mabel's face. "These stickers!"

She handed Dipper and I a set of stickers and ran off with her own stickers, slapping stars and smiley faces everywhere.

I let out a small laugh. "I love Mabel, she's such sweetheart."

"Hehe, yeah, Mabel's great... So, hey! You wanna hang out at the fair with me?" Dipper asked. He held up his stickers and pointed to one that read "Please".

"Well, of course, dummy!" I said, punching him in the arm. "Who else would I go with?"

"Haha, right, right," Dipper replied, smiling.

I smiled back.

"Dipper!" Stan yelled, "I need you to set up the Slopey Toss!"

"I'll be right back," Dipper reassured before walking off.

I stood there for a few seconds, then out of nowhere, I was attacked. I saw a whoosh of brown hair then I fell on the ground. "MABEL?!"

"Y/N! Did you see what was happening there?" she asked excitedly.

I furrowed my brows, not really sure what she was referring to. "What are you talking about?"

"Obviously you and Dipper!! AHHH! You guys are gonna get all romanticy at the fair!" She gasped.

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