Chapter 5: Summerween (Part 1)

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Hello my wonderful readers! I'm so sorry for taking so long to post another part. I got so caught up in school and exams, then I got caught up in summer, and now school's back, but I'm finally writing again. Just because it has been so long I'm reminding you that in the last chapter, it seemed like Bill knew Dipper was going to hurt you at the fair, which led to Dipper finding out that Bill is involved with the paranormal in Gravity Falls but isn't sure if he wants to tell you because you and Bill are good friends. Maybe rereading the chapter would be helpful?

Anyways, lets get to the story!

Mable's POV:

The day started with the usual maple syrup races between Dipper, Y/n and I. But things got a little more interesting when Stan came into the kitchen demanding that we all went for a ride in his car.

After a very bumpy car ride, Stan pulled into a parking lot and crashed into a handicap sign. He turned to us and announced, "Here we are, the Summerween Superstore!"

Dipper, Y/n and I looked at one another with a confused and curious glance.

"Wait, Summer-what?" Dipper questioned.

"Summerween!" Stan explained. "The people of this town love Halloween so much, they celebrate it twice a year. And wouldn't you know it, it's today!"

"I'm intrigued," Y/n grinned as she undid her seatbelt.

"An excuse to wear a costume and you get a bunch of candy... sounds like a good idea to me!" I declared.

Dipper and I undid our seatbelts and the three of us ran into the Summerween Superstore yelling, "TO THE COSTUME AISLE!"

We made it to the costume isle which had every costume from Spiderman to rainbow unicorns. As much as I wanted the unicorn costume, I had a better idea in mind. I took three costumes off the rack and handed one to each Dipper and Y/n.

"Go try the costumes on!" I smiled. "You guys are gonna love it!"

The two of them looked at me a little uneasy but still followed behind me as I skipped towards the change rooms with a big smile on my face. We all went into our own change rooms. I quickly threw on my costume and put on the matching hat. I stepped out of the change room and waited for Dipper and Y/n. It wasn't long before both of them stepped out in their costumes. Neither of them seemed to like their costumes very much, but I'm sure they were smiling on the inside.

The costumes were meant for three people. I was strawberry jam, Dipper was peanut butter and Y/n was a piece of bread. All of them were super cute costumes!

"Sooo, what do you guys think?" I asked in a sing-song tone. "Do you love it?"

"I love your creativity, Mabel, but I'm not sure I want to be a piece of bread for Halloween," Y/n admitted.

"Then what are you gonna be for Halloween?" I wondered. "Oh! An idea is happening here! You could be a... rainbow unicorn!"

"Actually, I have something else in mind," Y/n said walking towards the costume isle with a sly grin. She came back with a costume in hand, but I couldn't make out what it was. She walked into the change room and shut the door.

Dipper and I waited for a couple minutes. When Y/n immerged, she was wearing a form-fitting greenish black suit with tall black boots. She had a backpack over her shoulders and a pair of goggles rested on her forehead. It wasn't sparkly like the unicorn costume, but she seemed very happy in it, so I liked it. I wasn't sure what she was supposed to be, but clearly Dipper knew. I glanced over at him to find him staring at Y/n very intently. Someday, I'll use my matchmaking skills to get them together, it's so obvious they like each other. I'm just waiting for the right moment.

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