Chapter 7: Gideon Rises (Part 1)

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Before I start, I want to say Happy (late) Holidays and Happy (early) New Year!

Quick question for any future stories I might write: Would you prefer to read one long chapter or three short ones if, either way, they'd have the same content? Please answer in the comments!

Dipper's POV:

A dark shadow settled over Gravity Falls. The sky was alarmingly dark. A large wrecking ball crashed through the Mystery Shack, destroying it. I woke up from my nightmare, screaming.

"I just had a horrible dream that Gideon stole the deed to the Mystery Shack, and kicked us out, and... we all had to move in with Soos' grandma?" I thought aloud, recalling my nightmare.

Bringing me back to harsh reality, Soos sat up beside me and said, "That was no dream, dude."

Reality sucked. The shock of it made me scream again, waking everyone up including Soos' grandma.

"Shh. Por favor," she said softly, turning on the light, then the TV.

The room was small and matched my definition of a cutesy grandma Livingroom. The room was lined with pictures of Soos on an old wallpaper, like any proud grandma. Soos and I shared an old pop-out sofa bed and next to us, Soos' grandmother occupied an antique recliner. In front of us was an old television, resting on a wooden table. Y/n, Mabel and Stan were on the floor, in individual sleeping bags.

"Uh, sorry, Abuelita," I apologized.

Mabel climbed out of her watermelon-themed sleeping bag and skipped over to Abuelita. "Oh, Soos, your grandma is so adorable! And her skin is old lady soft," she marveled, massaging her skin. "Haaaahhh!"

"Mabel, quit being creepy! The news is finally on," Stan interrupted, pointing to the TV.

The screen showed Shandra Jimenez in front of the Mystery Shack. "In a movement that has all of Gravity Falls buzzing, child psychic Gideon Gleeful has taken surprise ownership of the Mystery Shack, previously belonging to area shyster, Stanford Pines." A photo appeared of Stan in a devil costume, surrounded by fire.

"That picture's taken out of context," Stan grumbled, scratching himself.

The screen returned to Shandra who was now standing with Gideon. "Now that you have the shack, what exactly are you planning to do with it?" She asked, then lowered the mic down to Gideon's height.

The camera went to a close-up of Gideon. "I have a big announcement to make today, and I'd like to cordially invite all the good people of Gravity Falls to join me. Free admission to anyone who wears their Gideon pins! It's my face!" He smiled, holding up a pin replica of himself.

I sat at the end of the recliner and directed my gaze to the floor. "I just can't believe Gideon beat us. Normally I'm able to save the day. This is all my fault."

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself." Y/n threw off her sleeping bag cover and sat down beside me. "There is no way this is your fault."

I lifted my head and realized something was different. Her eyes. They had lost the fire they used to have. She would never admit it, but I could tell she was blaming herself for this. Bill was the same malicious demon before he met Y/n and would've continued to be whether he met her or not. I just wish she'd realize that.

What really concerned me was why Bill even bothered getting to know Y/n. For so many years, he pretended to be her friend. What was his motive?

"Don't worry, Dipper," Mabel piped in, interrupting my thoughts. "Looks like Mabel's going to have to be the hero of the family now. I'll defeat Gideon with my grappling hook!" she said excitedly, pulling out her grappling hook.

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