Chapter 6: Dreamscapers (Part 3)

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As I walked down the hallway and opened doors, I started to get the feeling that I was being watched.

"I know you're here, Bill," I mused.

Answering my suspicions, he stepped out from behind a near-by corner. His arms hung casually at his sides. "He likes you, you know," he muttered. "And you like him."

I considered denying it until I remembered Bill's mind reading abilities. Lying about it would be pointless. "Yeah, and so what if I do?"

"I don't get it. What does he have that I don't? Why him?" Bill said coldly.

"Wait. Are you... jealous?" I analyzed.

"Don't be ridiculous. Of course not," he replied just a little too quickly to be believable. He took a deep breath, then allowed the corners of his mouth to shaped into a mischievous grin. "It's not to late. To join me."

"Like I'd actually betray my friends," I retorted.

He kept his distance. "You betrayed me," he muttered.

A wave of anger overtook me. My frustration was overflowing. I stormed towards him and shouted, "You can't be serious! You're seriously trying to make me feel bad? Look at what you're doing in Stan's mind!" I yelled, jabbing my forefinger at his chest. Startled by my fury, he stepped back. I lowered my voice to a mellow tone. "For the longest time, I thought you were my best friend. But, I was wrong."

Bill turned away and refused to look at me. I thought that someone like him would never actually care about me (or anyone else for that matter) but, I wasn't so sure anymore. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he actually liked me in a way more than friends. Too bad I couldn't read minds like him.

"Well," he sighed, still avoiding my gaze. "I'd better be off, your friends are about to find the code to Stan's safe."

"What?" I gasped. And with that, he disappeared.

That's what his plan was. He knew we'd follow him into Stan's mind and we'd lead him right to the code. He tricked us and had us do his dirty work.

I wished I could hate him for it. But a part of me, to some extent, still considered him a friend.

Stan's mind was a labyrinth of passages and doorways that I was clueless to navigate, but that didn't matter. I bolted down the closest hallway and took random turns in hopes of running into anyone. I had to get to Mabel and Soos before Bill did. I ran for what felt like hours, but was probably only minutes before I heard voices in the distance. I took another left turn and the voices got louder.

Then a ground-shaking roar echoed through the mindscape. "YOU!" Bill bellowed. Oh no, I'm too late. "You can't even imagine what you just cost me! Do you have any idea what I'm like... WHEN I'M MAD???!!" Bill's voice took a demonic tone.

I turned the corner just in time to see Bill shift from yellow, to red. He was in triangular form, unlike the last time I saw him. He held his arms in the air, a fire ablaze in his palms. His eyes widened and his pupils were replaced with glowing red symbols. As his eyes continued to smolder, he raised his arms further, a circle of fire ignited around Mabel, Soos, the movie guys and Bill. Swiftly, a rock statue of Stan's head arose from under the fire and raised everyone off the ground and into the atmosphere until I could no longer see them.

In a panic, I ran towards the gaping hole the rock statue had left in the floor. I screamed in frustration. What do I do? How can I fix this? I looked up again, but they had gone too far for me see. I bowed my head and pressed my palms against my face in efforts to concentrate. No ideas came to mind. I screamed again. My anger was building. Once I got to Bill, I'd make him regret this, the problem was: I didn't know how to get up there.

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