Chapter 6: Dreamscapers (Part 1)

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Y/n's POV:

I picked up my phone and looked at the time. 1:14am. Dipper and I stayed up till 12 watching movies and talking with each other, we've been doing that a lot since Summerween. A lot of things have happened since then but nothing as mysterious as Bill. Dipper showed me the journal pages about him and as hard as it was to believe, I did. I planned on talking to Bill the next day to figure what the heck was going on, but he wouldn't answer any of my calls. Bill was never much for technology, but he never ignored me. Thinking about it sometimes keeps me up at night, like right now. But I was starting to get tired, so I let myself drift off to sleep.

I found myself somewhere in the Gravity Falls forest. The trees were tall and the forest was thick. Something about the place just seemed do I put this? Radiate magic weirdness. I knew I was dreaming, but everything just seemed so vivid.

I walked a little further until I was in a grassy clearing. The tall grass brushed across my legs as I walked. I stepped into the center of the clearing and that's when the world turned to greyscale.

"Wha?" I murmured to myself.

A familiar voice echoed through the trees, "So I've heard you've been looking to talk to me?"

I couldn't decide if I was happy or not to hear his voice. Either way, I needed answers.

"Bill. What's going on?" I demanded.

Bill stepped out from behind the trees and made his way towards me. He wasn't the triangle Bill in the journal, he was the well-dressed, dorky Bill who always made me laugh. The Bill I've known since we were kids. But things were different now because I know who he really is.

"Ah, Y/n, whatever do you mean?" Bill asked innocently.

"Enough with the games. You have some explaining to do," I looked him in the eyes and spoke firmly, trying to sound as intimidating as possible.

He grimaced. "Pine Tree turned you against me."

"Pine Tree?" I questioned. "You mean Dipper? He didn't do anything, I just learned who you really are."

"The journal," he quavered. "You think that's who I really am?" His voice trembled with emotion.

He was now right in front of me, his face inches away from mine.

"I-I... yes? I mean I... I don't know," I stuttered, looking at the ground.

He lifted my chin, guiding my gaze into his brown eyes. "I know things are complicated," he sighed. "But for the time being I need you to trust that everything is okay."

I pulled away from his gaze. "No, I can't. I need a straight answer from you."

He grimaced. "It's not as simple as a straight answer."

I paused for a moment to put together my thoughts.

"Look... Bill... if there was ever once did you care about me... you'll tell me what's going on. You'll tell me everything and leave nothing out. You've been my best friend since before I can remember. All of it, our whole friendship... did that mean anything to you?" I pleaded.

My plea rendered us both speechless. And in that moment, I realized I wasn't just asking for answers, I was asking if the only friend I really had as a child was real or if I was just a pawn in his sick game. He said nothing.

"Well?" I blurted.

He laughed. "So persuasive, so stubborn as always. You're nothing if not persistent. One of the many things I love about you. One of the many things I wish I didn't love."

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