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Becky: "Ah 'eard ya got amnesia. One 'a mah gals on 'th ranch, she keeps track on tha' sorta stuff."

Becky sat back down beside her.

Becky: "In truth . . . it ain't jest a ranch. It doubles as a fostah 'ome. Rehab centah as well. Don't tell folks 'cause 'th kids tha' go there . . . go through awful thangs. Sunnay's one 'a 'em. A 'lil warrior. Her fathah abused 'er terriblay. Used 't burn her with cigarettes 'an all 'a tha'. 'Th first words she evah spoke 't us were, 'Can ah keep 'im', when we got Grief 'few months back."

She smiled at the memory.

Becky: "'Th ranch 'elped meh git back intah spirits, aftah ah lost mah own memories. Ya do'n this . . . it 'elps so much."

Jasmine nodded, smiling slightly.

Jasmine: "I'm glad it's helping . . . that's the point of every charity I take part in . . . and I . . . really hope that Sunny, and all those kids keep getting better. They deserve more than what the world has handed them. Most people do. But . . . who am I to complain? I live comfortably. I don't have the kinds of concerns most people have. That's . . . why I try to help people any way I can. They deserve more and if I can give them more . . . then that's more than enough reason to take part."

Becky: "'An ah can't thank ya 'nuff. Ya got a good spa- ah mean 'eart."

She shook her head.

Becky: "Sorray. Ah git mah words mixed up sometahmes!"

Becky laughed. It was a sweet sound, and seemed to carry an accent of it’s own.

Becky: "Say, tell ya whut. Why don'tchya come down 't 'th ranch? Bettah yet, stay for suppah! 'Least ah could do, ya be'n so hospitable 't meh. Ya can meet 'th kids. They'll love it!"

Jasmine smiled a little more.

Jasmine: "I'd love to. Get away from this big, empty house for once."

She looked around the room slowly, like a ghost would spring from the walls themselves.

Jasmine: "Hardly ever use the extra rooms. But I want to have them. Just in case . . ."

She shook her head lightly.

Jasmine: "Of course, Akane is going to insist on coming with. The man won't let me out of his sight lately . . . I hope that's okay."

Becky: "Oh it's fine! Invite whoevah! Jest call 'head first, so we know 'ow many plates 't set at 'th table. Hm . . ."

She thought to herself for a moment.

Becky: "Ah oughta invite Orion 't. Ah know, ya might not know 'im, but 'e's this big MMA stah. 'Th gentleman, went through 'th trouble 't 'elp us out. Volunteer'n at 'th ranch. Sunnay 'an 'th boys jest adore 'im!"

Jasmine tilted her head slightly at the name.

Jasmine: "Sounds familiar . . . but I can't place him. But it sounds like a nice little getaway."

Becky smiled.

Becky: "Ah love it there. Couldn't 'magine m'self anywhere else!"

She agreed with a small sigh. Jasmine nodded.

Jasmine: "How soon?"

Becky: “Well, whenevah ya git some tahme off ah s'pose!"

Jasmine thought about it for a moment; she was certain Daniel would give her time off if she requested it. They were ahead of schedule for the movie anyway, and even if they weren’t, he adored her and treated her like family.

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