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When I woke up, I was gasping for air. I couldn't remember why, but it must have been pretty scary for me to be have been scared.

I guess I must have screamed, because everyone had run into my room, all with equally worried faces, except for Lottie, who just looked annoyed. I guessed that this was due to the fact that her "beauty sleep" had been interrupted.

Oh well, she'll just have to deal with it. It not like I can go anywhere. We're all stuck here together, and the only way to get back is by working together.

Damon was the first to speak this time.

"What the hell made you scream like that? You literally woke up the whole building!"

"Sorry.... I must have been dreaming. I don't even remember why I screamed. Do you know what time it is?"

"It's fine, but I think we need to sort out the screaming when you wake up issue soon. It's only about 6, so it's still pretty early right now."

"Okay, would you mind leaving so I can get dressed? I don't think I'll be able to sleep now anyway."

And with that they all nodded and walked to their own rooms, all of course except Lottie. I swear that girl has something against me, because she slammed the door as she went.

I got out of bed and got changed into a pair of jeans and a plain t-shirt after having a quick shower.

When I got back, I realised that I had stood in the shower for longer than I thought, because when I checked the time, it was roughly 7.

Okay, time to face everyone. I headed to Damon's room, because I knew in the time it would take for me to get ready everyone would be sitting there eating breakfast.

As usual, everyone was sitting in there having breakfast, except for Lottie. I guess she takes longer to get ready than I do. Time to face the music, I guess.

I silently left the room and went into the kitchen to get some breakfast. There was a plate of still warm breakfast, which I picked up and left with. I returned to Damon's room and sit silently next to Tyler, who is also sitting on the floor, while Damon and Austin sit on the bed.

We all eat our breakfast in silence, which was slightly more awkward than I would have hoped. When we had finished, Tyler gathered the plates and left with Damon. Great, thanks guys.

That left me and Austin. Okay, here goes nothing. He gestured for me to sit opposite him on the bed, which I did.

"I said we'd talk when I was better, which means now. What is it that's stopping you from opening up?"

I gulped. I could do this.

"I don't know the best way to explain this, but I'll try. One of my best friend's dad, who I won't name, got on really well with my family and me. My friend's name was Marcie, and she used to come and meet us with her dad almost everyday, which was easy for us. Her dad was the kind of dad who made stupid jokes which you had to laugh at, just because they were so ridiculous. One day, after school, my mum didn't show on time like she usually was. Naomi's mum gave me a lift, but when I got home, I got the shock of my life. The door was hanging open and inside were my parents. They had been killed by my best friend's dad, and she had been there to see it happen. She left a letter saying that she was sorry, and that it was her dad's job to kill anyone who gets in the way, and my parents were working on something that could have sabotaged his work, which is why they had to be removed. I never saw her again, and the police have never been able to find them. "

By this point, I had my head bowed in an attempt to hide my tears. I only ever told that to Naomi, and she had taken it better than I thought. But Austin, he was in a state of shock and horror at the same time.

A few moments passed before Austin spoke. His voice was quiet as he spoke.

"Do you ever want them to be found?"

This question wasn't expected, not in the slightest. It took me a few seconds to think of an answer.

"I want justice, but at the same time, I don't think I'll ever be able to face Marcie. Not after what she hid from me."

With this, he silently nodded and pulled me closer, and at that point I relaxed and let him comfort me. It had been years since I had recalled that night, and I had never actually thought of it in as much depth as I had now.

When I had calmed down slightly. Austin spoke again, but in a slightly louder voice.

"Who are your mum and dad if they're not your actual parents?"

Hearing this, I moved slowly back to where I was sitting earlier, and tucked my hair behind my ear, brushing away some tears as well.

"They're my god parents. My parents knew this could happen one day, so they were sure to tell my god parents of the possibilities. They may not be my real parents, but they've taken care of me since that day, which is why I consider them to be my parents now."

Austin nodded and just looked at me, processing the information I had just given him. He was about to speak, when the door burst open, with Tyler, Damon and Lottie falling in and landing on each other.

Boy did they have some explaining to do.


What do you think Sophie's reaction will be? Do you want to see how Austin will react? For that, you have to COMMENT and VOTE. Give me some ideas of what you think should happen, and if you like what I've written so far.

Thanks and bye. purpleopal14

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