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I woke up to the sound of the *crack* of a slap. I jerked awake as if I was the one being slapped.

Looking around, I saw that Damon, Lottie and Austin were in my room.

Damon was holding a plate of breakfast and trying his best to suppress his laughter, while Austin was rubbing his red arm where he had been slapped.

When Damon looked at Austin's face, he burst out laughing. He kept laughing for a good few minutes, and when he sobered up, he saw I was awake and walked towards me with breakfast.

"I see you're awake. Austin here wanted to dump ice cold water on you to wake you up because you didn't wake up when I tried. He was just about to when Lottie slapped him. It was hilarious!!! The look on Austin's face!!!!!!"

And with that he burst out laughing again.

Soon I joined in as well as Lottie. Austin was standing there with a scowl on his face.

Soon the laughter subsided, and everyone left my room. Damon left my breakfast on the table, so I decided to take a shower.

I realised that I needed to find some clothes, so I went to a door next to the bathroom and opened it.

Inside was a clothing rail that had clothes on it that looked about my size. On the floor were some shoes.

I picked out black skinny jeans, a long shirt that reached mid thigh, some undergarments and a pair of black flats.

I took a quick shower and changed. I brushed out my hair with a brush I found in the wardrobe. I left my hair to dry naturally and did my make-up so it was neutral.

Once I was done, I ate breakfast quickly and went to Damon's room with my laptop.

Everyone was in there, with Tyler in a chair talking to Damon who was sitting on the bed with Austin who was listening to what Lottie was saying from where she was sat on the floor.

I cleared my throat, and everyone looked up. Austin smirked in an obnoxious way, while everyone else just gave a small smile.

I smiled at everyone except Austin who was still smirking. I walked over and stood in front of him.

"What's your problem?"

"You took longer than all of us put together, and that's saying something because Lottie takes forever in the shower."

I just rolled my eyes and sat down next to Lottie on the floor.

She grinned at me. Bipolar much! She hates me one second and then is being nice the next.

I smiled back at her a little unsurely, and then we all settled down to work on the communication system with Anti-X.

We had almost finished when it was about noon. Lottie and Austin left to get some lunch, and came in balancing plates.

We all ate in silence, then stacked the plates to a side to sort out later.

We worked for another 3 hours until it was finished. I tested it by calling Naomi.

She picked up and when she saw me she looked relieved.

"Thank god you're alright. Your parents are going out of their minds worrying. I guess you know what I do right?"

We talked for a few minutes before she asked to see everyone. She was able to match the names she had to faces.

Then she briefed us on what to do next time we were taken.

"We need as much information on them as possible. Ask your doctors while they're working on something. Chances are they'll answer anything if they're not thinking hard about what they say. If you find out ANYTHING, tell me. Little insignificant things will get you out, so just tell me everything."

And with that, she left.

We all left Damon's room to go to our own rooms to amuse ourselves for the few hours till night.

I just sat on my bed thinking. The only question going around my head when I dozed off was,

When will we get out of here?

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