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Hi guys! I've tried to make the chapters longer. I hope you like it. Comment and vote if you do!!!!!



The first thing I remember when I woke up is the quiet beep of the heart rate monitor. Of course at the time I had no idea what it actually was. All I heard was the same beep, beep, beep.

Once I realised where I was I jerked awake. My vision was a bit hazy at first, but eventually it adjusted to the bright light in the room. I saw that there was only one person in the room, and even he had his back turned to me.

When I looked down, I saw my clothes had been removed and replaced with a white hospital gown. I was strapped onto a bed to stop me from moving too much. I guess I needed to not move while they did whatever they were doing.

Looking around, I saw that the room was pristine white, with a metal door, and just a table on the other side of the room where the person was sitting and reading some papers.

I couldn't see his face, but I wasn't sure if I really wanted to see it either. I saw I was hooked up to a drip, as well as a heart rate monitor, which was still giving the same quiet steady beeps.

The person must have realised I was awake because he stood up and turned around to look at me. I immediately shrunk back, not wanting to be examined like a specimen. He kept looking at me like I was a thing.

Eventually, I thought I would say something otherwise he would keep doing that.

"Why are you keeping us like caged animals? I mean, how can you just keep us locked up? We're not THINGS to be locked up. You may think that we're helping the country, but this isn't fair for us, we're people too. We may have a different type of plasma in our blood, but that doesn't mean that you can treat us like specimens."

"Would you mind being quiet? We are used to having to use force, especially if the subject doesn't know how to keep your mouth shut."

This shut me up. Should I listen to whatever they said and what Damon said or should I fight back and risk being beaten up like Tyler was? It would probably be easier to keep my mouth shut and just listen to what they say.

I gulped and nodded. He smirked and walked towards me. He was carrying a clipboard with what was probably my reports. I wonder what they had tested for. I'll probably never find out. Nothing will be answered, not until I find out just what Anti-X was.

He proceeded to poke and prod me like a thing. He checked my drip and heart monitor, and then told me I was free to go. I guess nothing could have changed in that short amount of time.

He unstrapped me and helped me up. He then passed me my clothes and told me to change in the bathroom joined to the room. I walked away but I could feel his eyes on my back. I was glad that this robe covered most of me, and was long enough to reach my knees.

I reached the room and quickly changed. I noticed that nothing huge had happened to my body except the fact that I had a few marks where they must have extracted blood.

They looked to have healed. How long was I out? I thought.

I came out of the room and the man nodded and led me out of the room. We were in a corridor, one like you'd have in hospitals except all the door were steel and there were no places for people to sit outside.

He walked to the other end of the corridor, to a huge door. He opened it and beckoned me through it. He then led me through this corridor, where all the walls were off-white and the floor carpeted. The doors were all made of wood, and there was nothing on them to show they were different in any way.

We reached a familiar looking door, which led to the corridor where our rooms were. He told me to go through it, which I did and then he left, locking the door behind me.

I breathed out, and walked to my room. I noticed that the door was slightly ajar.

Sitting inside my room were Damon and Lottie. Lottie was sitting with her mp3 thing while Damon looked to be doing something to my laptop.

"What are you doing?"

Damon looked up.

"We're trying to figure out how to finish the communication system with Anti-X. I did tell you that your laptop was needed, as well as your knowledge of computers."

I nodded my understanding, but I looked at Lottie and asked,

"What are YOU doing?"

"What do you think? Listening to the best band in history!"

I rolled my eyes and thought I'd go and talk to Tyler.

Once I was outside of his room, I heard the hushed voices of Austin and Tyler.

"Do you think we should tell her? She has the right to know, after all."

"No she wouldn't take it well."

"But just thinking about it won't help her. We need to tell Sophie."

When I heard my name, I went into the room.

"Tell me what?"

"Uhm, well.. uh....." Austin stuttered.

"The person leading Anti-X is your best friend Naomi." Tyler said.


"See I told you she wouldn't take it well."

"Why is she involved?"

"I'll explain," said a voice behind me, Lottie.

What was going on here????



Hope you liked it!

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