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The scream that woke me up was shrill and annoying. I jumped out of bed and ran out of the room. Lottie's door closed shut.

I assumed that the scream had been Lottie, but you never know if it was a boy or not. I mean, I've heard boys scream like girls at school over the smallest things. 

No-one was there when I got there, and the only strange thing was that Lottie's door was still shut. On deciding that this was not a good thing, I slowly opened the door and slipped in.

Lottie was sitting in her room on the bed, while shaking as though someone was about to eat her. She was staring at the wall, and screamed again. This time I was prepared, and clamped my hands around my ears.

Once my ears had stopped ringing, I walked over to her and sat down beside her.

"What's wrong? You sound like someone's being murdered," I said as I placed my hand on her shoulder.

Still shaking, she pointed behind the door I had just come through. I didn't see anything when I came in, but now I looked I saw a little spider on the wall, sitting still for now.

Smiling to myself, I walked to where the spider was and scooped it up in my hands. Glancing over at Lottie's face, she looked scared out of her mind.

Just then, Austin burst in, followed by Damon and Tyler who both wore amused smiles as Austin, clad in a helmet and holding a rounders bat, tackled me to the ground.

If I wasn't on the floor then I would have laughed at the expression on his face. It was a mixture of confusion and sleep as well as fear.

He seemed to have woken up and was smiling slightly. I glared at him and pushed him off me, trying to keep the spider from falling or being squished in my hand.

Austin stood up and brushed himself off. Taking his offered hand, I stood up and looked at the hand with the spider in. It was still sitting still and didn't appear to be injured in any way. But I on the hand could feel a pain in my arm where Austin's bat had hit me.

Looking at where my gaze was, Austin grimaced.

"I am sooo sorry!! That was not what was supposed to happen. Should we put something on it? I think it's going to form a bruise. I'll go get something for it."

He ran out of the room and reappeared with an ice pack. He gently pulled my arm and placed it on the bruise. I hissed and looked away.

Damon, noticing my expression, walked over and took the spider and walked out of the room.

Lottie had now began to glare at me. Austin was too engrossed in my bruise and the ice pack he had brought. I looked back at Austin and how delicately he was pressing the bruise.

Every time he pressed it I hissed, but eventually he let go and went out of the room.

"Why are you hanging off him all the time?" Lottie hissed.

"I'm not hanging off him, it's the other way around. He's always around, and I can't exactly kick him out can I?"

Lottie glared at me and left her room. Shaking my head, I walked out as well, shutting the door quietly behind me.

I had no idea where Austin and Lottie had gone, so I decided to just go to Damon's room and talk to him.

Damon was sitting in his room looking a lot better than I felt. He was looking at something on my laptop with a thoughtful expression on his face.

I knocked on the door which made Damon look up. He motioned for me to come in, so I walked into his room and sat down beside him.

Peaking over his shoulder, I saw he was reading something.

"What are you reading? It looks important," I whispered.

"It's something that Naomi was able to send us after wiggling through the blocks they put in your computer. It's about why we got ill, and why it was just the two of us. The reason is that they put a certain chemical into our bodies while we were both unconscious. It hasn't been given a name yet so Anti-X have called it Chemical ACE, as it was ace at giving them more information about how they can control the plasma in our blood."

"Ok, but how come you're feeling better and I still have a throbbing ache everywhere?"

"I think it has to do with how much of Chemical ACE they put in our bodies. I guess I must have had less so I recovered faster than you. Give it a while, it'll go away on its own. Just let your body fight it. I know, why don't you talk to Naomi for a while? I need to go and talk to Tyler."

He handed me my laptop and swiftly walked out of the room. I called Naomi and she answered after a few rings.

She told me about how Chemical ACE could only be administered when someone was unconscious and that the amount they gave me could mean that I felt like this for at least a few more hours. She told me about how she had explained to my parents about where I was and told them not to approach the police, but instead to help Anti-X to get us all out of here.

"You can talk to them now if you want. They are talking outside my room now, I'll call them in."

She left to get them and shortly after she returned with both of my adoptive parents. My adoptive mum Michelle looked like she was about to cry and so did her husband, Phil.

"Thank god you're safe! Are you ok? They haven't done anything to you have they? It must be horrible there. How many people are there? You're all okay, right?" Michelle asked in one breath.

I smiled slightly. "I'm fine. They just took some blood to test. There are 4 other people here, and yes we're all fine. "

I talked with my parents for about half an hour about how my friends at school have no idea where I am and also how my parents have been coping with being all alone at home for once.

When we finally hung up, I felt a lot better, so I decided to go and find Austin and Lottie, since I hadn't seen them for a while.

I checked both of their rooms and couldn't find them, so I thought I'd just get some food instead. As I got closer to the kitchen, I heard hushed voices, so instead of interrupting I went to Tyler's room.

Damon was playing with Tyler on his games console and so we all played, with me, Damon and Tyler switching out after a few minutes.

When it was getting late, I decided to head to bed.

When I entered my room, I saw a little note on my bed. It read "We need to talk. Austin."

I moved the note and slipped into bed, thinking about how I was going to tell Austin what only Naomi and my adoptive parents knew about.

Finally, I decided to tell him the truth. With that thought, I fell asleep in my warm and comfortable bed.


Hi guys. Sorry it took so long for me to update. Anyways, here's the next chapter. Also, on the side is Makenzie Vega who Naomi is based on.

PLEASE.............. VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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