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Me and Austin looked at each other and quickly followed a worried Lottie out of the room.

Damon was lying in his bed sweating buckets when we got there. Tyler was pacing next to him, and I assumed he was thinking.

Lottie rushed to Damon's side and gave him some water. I followed her with Austin close behind.

Damon's face was drained of colour and he was covered in sweat.

He tried to smile when he saw me and Austin. But it looked like he could barely work up enough energy to keep his eyes open. I shook my head and spoke.

"Don't bother trying to speak, we all know you're ill. You can barely even keep your eyes open. Just sleep, okay? We'll wake you when we need to give you any medication."

Everyone looked at me questioningly.

"My mum's a doctor. I used to go with her when I had days off and she couldn't get time off."

Everyone nodded their understanding, and almost instantly Damon fell asleep.

I walked to the kitchen and heard footsteps behind me. I knew it was Austin so I kept walking.

When we reached the kitchen, I walked in first and Austin closed the door behind him.

I started looking in the cabinets, and Austin was leaning on the counter behind me.

When I turned round after not being able to find, Austin was looking at me expectantly.

I just moved past him. He sighed behind me and grabbed my wrist, using it to pull me back.

I turned around to glare at him. Finally he spoke.

"Why don't you open up more? We've all tried to talk to you but I think me and Damon are the only ones to have been able to get any information out of you about your personal life. Have you got some deep, guarded secret that you don't want us to know, because I can promise you we've all had our fair share of problems. The only way you can get past is by talking about it to people."

I snatched my wrist out of his hand and stepped away from him, turning my back to him.

"I don't have any deep dark secret to hide. I just don't trust easily. There's no real reason for it, I just don't trust easily."

I kept searching the kitchen until I felt a warm presence behind me.

"Why can't you say it to my face then? What have you got to be scared of here? Nobody can hurt you here, we're all stuck here together, remember?"

I turned around and closed my eyes.

"I don't have anything to hide. There isn't any secret that I haven't told you about."

I heard Austin softly chuckle.

"If that was true why would you shut your eyes when you said it? Go on, open your eyes and say it. I want to be able to see your eyes."

I slowly opened my eyes. I found myself looking into Austin's warm chocolate eyes. His lips were slightly parted and curled up at the edges as he smiled a kind smile at me.

I looked away from his face and looked at the worktop behind him.

He noticed where I was looking and again he laughed to himself. This time he didn't say anything, instead he put his hands gently on my cheeks and lifted my face so that I was looking up at him.

He spoke quietly.

"Now tell me."

I was left speechless as I continued to look at his sincere face. This couldn't be the same Austin I had just met, right? He was immature and annoying, this Austin was caring and quiet.

After a moment, I snapped out of it. I sighed and opened my mouth when I was interrupted again.

Lottie burst in again and glared at me when she saw the position we were in.

She must have remembered what she had to say because she stopped glaring at me long enough to tell us what was wrong.

"Damon's awake again. I thought you went to find some medicine for Damon anyway? Why does it take both of you so long to find some painkillers? Come on Austin, Sophie is perfectly capable of finding it on her own. Let's go."

Austin looked back at me and smiled slightly. He removed his hands and moved back a bit.

"We'll continue this later, ok?" He whispered quietly enough that only I heard.

I nodded and he left, while Lottie half-dragged him.

I breathed a sigh of relief and went back to searching for some painkillers for Damon.

After looking through some more cupboards, I found a small first aid box. I decided to go to Damon's room first and see how he was before I gave him any medicine.

Damon was trying to sit up and Lottie, Austin and Tyler were all nowhere to be seen. I walked quickly to his bed and helped him to sit up.

Once he was sitting comfortably I began to speak.

"Where is everyone? I thought everyone would be here since you woke up."

"I think they went outside to talk about something."

Then it clicked that they had gone to talk about me. I had acted strangely when I found out that Damon was ill. Oh great, now I have to find some excuse, I thought.

Just then they all walked in, and they all had this really serious expression on their faces. Damon glanced in my direction and saw me frown, because he spoke.

"Guys, I'm sooooo hungry!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you please get me something nice to eat?"

Lottie bought it and so did Tyler, so they both left to get Damon something to eat.

Austin raised an eyebrow and came to sit with us.

I started to cough violently just when they were both about to speak.

"That's what happened before I got sick. I think you've got whatever I've got." said Damon.

Austin just sighed and took me back to my room. He didn't say anything after he told me to get into bed and told me to take the painkillers he handed me.

Once I was wrapped up in bed, he left the room. I must have drifted off immediately because the last thing I remember was thinking what could have possibly made Damon so sick, and then recover so easily.

That was my last thought before I was awoken by a scream a few hours later.


Hi guys!!! I hope you liked it. On the side is Logan Lerman who Tyler is based on.

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