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I had been walking home when I saw it. The one thing that I had never expected to happen. My life changed forever that day. It was the most exciting and terrifying day I can ever remember.

Ok. Let me back up and explain what I'm talking about. My name is Sophie Johnson. I live with my parents, who I call Michelle and Phil. We all live in a small ordinary house on an ordinary street in an ordinary town. I had some of the best friends possible, and I had a simple life. I would go to school by foot on my own every day, and walk back with my friend Naomi Holmes.

I had been going about my normal routine of walking home, but this time without Naomi, as she had been asked to stay after school because of some competition she had entered for ancient languages. I don't really get her obsession over them, but it's her choice, so might as well let her do what she wants. Anyway, that's beside the point.

Back to the day my life changed.

As I had walked across the street, I realised that it was too quiet, you know that kind of quiet when you can hear a ringing sound? Well it was that kind of quiet.

No birds singing even though it was early spring, and there were no cars going by when I knew there were so many offices nearby and 2 different schools.

When I tried to ignore it, I just got more creeped out, so I plugged my headphones into my iPhone and put on my favourite playlist. I was humming along when I saw a small red dot that was in front of me, but it looked like it was coming closer.

I thought I was seeing things when it began to grow.

I knew I wasn't dreaming when I pinched myself to check, but it was still hard to believe.

Eventually, it swelled to the size of a large bowling ball, and then it stopped in front of me. I had stopped by that point with my mouth wide open and my eyes as wide as golf balls.

It was humming quietly and steadily for a few minutes, and then it began to speed up. I was not going to believe this.

No this couldn't possibly be real. No way. No,no,no,no,no...........

This could not be happening to me. I was just a regular school girl.

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