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Hi guys! I hoped you liked the last chapter. Here's the next one. Comment and vote!


"Naomi isn't really the person you think she is. She may be obsessed with music and ancient languages, but she's actually someone completely different. She made Anti-X."

I looked at Lottie and said," How does she even know that this experiment even exists?"

"Her dad works for the government, which is why he's hardly ever around. Naomi heard her father talking on the phone about shutting it down, but he couldn't stop it, which is why she is determined to stop it at all costs."

"Why did she never tell me?"

"Because there was always a risk of being caught. She knew you probably wouldn't believe her even if she did tell you. Hardly anyone would."

"So her father and her knew,but how did this group form if no-one is supposed to know?"

"Well, some people higher up don't agree with it and have been supporting her as well as some locals that found out it exists."

"Okay...But how is she the leader? Shouldn't it be her father?"

"No. No-one else is anywhere near as passionate as she is about stopping this." Austin finally spoke.

"Right, so let me get this straight. My best friend since forever is actually the leader of an anti-government group who are trying to get us out of here."

"Yeah, that's about it." Tyler said.

I nodded, and left the room. I needed some time for this to sink in properly.

I walked back to my room, and saw Damon had left. I guessed he heard what Lottie said and knew I needed my space.

I sighed, and plonked down on my bed. So that was where Naomi was really going when she had rehearsals as well lessons. I always thought that the timing was odd, and she wouldn't have any contact with anyone else for hours on end.

At least I knew her obsession with ancient languages and music wasn't as serious as I thought.

Why didn't she tell me?

I admit I wouldn't have believed her easily, but I know I would have accepted it after a while. After all she is my best friend.

I guess I must have sat there for a good few hours, because the next thing I remember is Damon standing at the door holding two plates of food.

As if on cue, my stomach grumbled. I blushed, while Damon chuckled.

"Looks like the food came right on time."

I smiled at him and took the plate he offered me. He sat down next to me and we both ate in a comfortable silence.

Eventually he broke it.

"I know we should have told you earlier, but we didn't know how. We know she's like family to you, and that just made it harder."

"I know. I understand. I think we should focus on finishing the communication system with Anti-X. That's more important right now."

"You're right. We should get some sleep. It's late. We'll start first thing tomorrow morning."

I nodded and after saying goodnight, he left.

I went to a small door to see if there was anything there. I saw it was a bathroom, so I took a quick shower which relaxed me, and then brushed my teeth.

After drying my hair, put my hair up in a messy bun, and went to bed.

The last thing I remember thinking was how I could possibly help with communication.

After that, I fell into a dreamless sleep.


Sorry, this was more of a filler chapter. Hopefully the next chapter will be interesting.

Thanks! :) I'd love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment and if you liked it VOTE!!!

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