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I must have woke up really late because I heard talking in one of the other rooms. I got up slowly, and noticed I wasn't aching everywhere anymore.

Sighing thankfully, I walked into the bathroom with my clothes and jumped into the shower after undressing. The water relaxed me and after slowly washing myself I realising that my stomach was grumbling, I got dressed into a white dress with some brown detailing and a pair of black boots with a small heel.

Once I was satisfied, I stepped back into my room. A new note had appeared on my pillow.

"Thought you might be hungry. Come find me when you're done. Austin."

I smiled slightly, but inside I was scared. What if he thought I was joking? What if he made fun of me?

No, Austin wasn't like that. He could be nice, I know that now.

Sighing, I dropped down onto my bed and quickly ate my nice breakfast of toast, eggs and hash browns. My stomach's growling had subsided and I felt quite full. So I decided to go find everyone. It sounded like they were still talking, so I decided to go and find out what they were talking about.

I walked quietly to Lottie's room, where Damon, Lottie and Tyler were. Austin must have been taken for some new crazy experiment they had planned. I had just recovered from my last visit, and just the thought of going back for another visit was enough to send shivers down my spine.

Lottie and Tyler were sitting on the bed with Damon on the floor next to them. I smiled at him slightly and sat down as well. Noticing my worried expression, Damon mouthed "What's wrong?" to me, and I just shook my head. Lottie had finally looked up, and for once smiled at me, even if it did have a slightly odd menace to it.

"Where's Austin?" I asked.

"He's been taken for a new crazy experiment. They said he would be back soon." Was Damon's answer.

Suddenly, Tyler left. A few minutes later, he returned, but now he was carrying my laptop. Silently, he handed it to me. Confused, I opened it up and turned it on. About a minute passed while it woke up. I clicked open the new file on my desktop that read "Changes to the E.X.P.E.R.I.M.E.N.T." Inside were some official things that didn't make any sense to me.

Finally I reached the section at the bottom that said that we would be stuck here for longer than we thought, at least a few more months until they could pull us out of here. And that would mean being stuck with nothing to do for the next few months.

Great, I thought. Then again, at least I sort of know everyone now, except maybe Lottie. I swear, that girl was out to get me.

That thought brought me back to Austin. I was puzzling over what crazy experiment they had in mind for Austin, when he burst through the door, making me to jump.

Lottie leapt up to help him sit, but he just told her to go sit back down on the bed. Slowly, he made his way into the room and sat down next to me.

"What did I miss? Anything important?"

"Except for the fact that we'll be stuck here for longer than first thought, not much." Was my answer.

"How much longer is it then?" He whispered, obviously not having the strength to speak at full volume.

"Just a few more months. They should have gotten us out by now, but they're having a few problems on the legal side. The people running this place have reinforced their walls and it'll take at least a few more months until they can find a loophole in their plan." was Damon's reply.

Austin groaned, which made me look at him. He had an expression of pain on his face so I decided that he should be back in his room, resting. Lottie had stood up yet again, but I stopped her this time.

I helped Austin up and walked out of the room with him, while supporting him. We walked slowly to his room and I helped him into his bed. He had gone ghostly pale and looked like he could use the sleep.

I was about to close the door when I heard him call out.

"Sophie, as soon as I feel a bit better, we need to talk."

I nodded and left the room, knowing that sooner or later I needed to give him an answer.

The E.X.P.E.R.I.M.E.N.TOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora