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I woke up and looked at the clock on the wall. It said it was quarter to 9, so I decided to get up and get dressed.

Everyone was up when I walked into Damon's room after showering and pulling on some jeans and a cute crop top.

Tyler and Austin were still eating so I decided to join them. I walked to the kitchen and opened the door a bit.

I heard voices coming from inside so I closed the door again.

I sighed and headed back to Damon's room. If I kept listening when people were talking they'll think I'm eavesdropping on purpose, that was not what I wanted people to think of me as.

Tyler and Austin were talking about something that had happened at school, so I went and grabbed my laptop.

I was so engrossed in the book I was writing that I didn't realise that Austin was standing in front of holding a plate of warm food with a small smile on his face.

I heard Tyler clear his throat and Austin looked away from me. I looked at the plate and my stomach growled.

I blushed a light pink and then made a move to get my plate, but being Austin he moved the plate out of reach.

So I tried to get it again but he moved it again.

We kept doing this for a while until my clumsiness had to make itself known.

Being me I managed to trip over my own feet. This caused me to crash into Austin so that we both fell on the floor.

Austin had managed to twist himself so that the food flying off the plate didn't hit him.

I, on the other hand, was covered from head to toe in food. Of course I didn't notice until later.

Me and Austin were still sprawled on the floor, Austin on the bottom and me on top. It sooooo was not comfortable, especially when Austin was still smirking at me.

I glared at him, and tried to get up, but managed to slip back. Austin was still looking at me so checked my face to see if I had anything on me that was on me.

That was when I realised I was covered in food.

Austin must have seen my change in expression, because he brushed a strand of hair behind my ear and said,

"You know you look really cute when you're angry."

That just made me glare at him and for me to to try and get up again. Of course I was unsuccessful AGAIN, and managed to just push myself off Austin a little.

That was enough for Austin to get up easily, so he did. I sat up and saw a hand in my face. Looking up a little I saw it was a still smirking Austin. So I pushed his hand away and tried to get up.

This time I got up, but started to slip again. I was expecting to hit the ground, but someone caught me quickly.

I opened my eyes after I realised that I had stopped falling. I was looking at Austin who seemed to be a little surprised.

I smiled a little. At least he can stop being annoying for a little bit, I thought to myself.

He noticed my smile and mocked shock.

"I didn't know you could smile Soph!!! You should have told us. I know you consider us family, so you SHOULD have told us!!!!!!!!"

I rolled my eyes and pulled out of his grip. Tyler was trying hold in his laughter, but it wasn't working out for him.

Soon enough Tyler cracked and started laughing. His laughter must have been loud enough to reach the kitchen because a little bit later Damon and Lottie came in.

My bright red face and food-covered clothes must have been hilarious because they started to laugh as well.

Austin still had an annoying smirk on his face, so I glared at him before storming out.

I went back to my room and went straight to my bathroom I found a clean white dress, black tights and a pair of pumps.

I took a nice warm shower and changed into the clothes I brought with me.

I had just come out of the bathroom when I saw Austin was sitting on my bed.

He was looking around my room and hasn't seen me yet. I decided to keep it that way.

I crept behind him and tapped his shoulder, which made him jump.

As soon as he had seen that it was me, he went back to being himself by putting on his signature smirk.

I was still glaring at him, but this time I was surprised that Austin had come into my room for any other reason than food or news. He wasn't holding any food and his face was relaxed, so he must want to talk about something else.

He stood up and was about to speak when Lottie burst in.

"Something's wrong with Damon!!!!"


Hi guys! Sorry for taking so long writing this. The picture on the side is of Austin, who is based on Asher Brook.

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