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When I wake up, the first thing I notice is that I am not in my own room or bed.

The sheets are a soft off-white, and look nothing like my duvet, which is covered in light pink flowers.

As I look down, I see a guy about my age sitting on the left of my bed, except he isn't sitting, he's sleeping on the side of my bed. As my gaze goes around the rest of the room, I see that there are 2 other people around my bed, and are in a similar state as the first guy.

I look at the small gap between the first guy and the only girl. It is just big enough for me to squeeze through, so I decide to give it a go.

As I try to move, I feel small prickles as I begin to move my legs. I guess I must have been asleep for a long time if there are pins and needles in nearly every place in my legs.

As I try and get off the bed, I feel the girl stirring, and freeze. She eventually settles after finding a comfortable place to keep sleeping. I begin my quest of getting off the bed.

After crawling a little more, I reached the end and planted my feet firmly but quietly. I stood up, and felt slightly dizzy, but kept going.

When I had finally stood up, I looked around the room from right to left. It was very basic, with a few bookshelves in the corner with some bean bags. As my eyes found the left side of the room, I spotted a steel door, which I guessed led out of this room, so I made for that.

Each step I took was wobbly and with each step I felt more dizzy, but I kept going.

Eventually I reached the door, and with great difficulty, turned the handle. The door opened onto a corridor that had the occasional door and number plate on it. The walls themselves were a light beige, and were spotless.

I started walking, and I noticed that the doors were steel, and in total there were 4. When I was getting close to the end of the corridor, I turned around, and kept walking. That was when I felt a very big dizzy spell coming on.

When I turned back around, I was faced by a blue t-shirt on an athletic chest. 

I didn't get to see who that chest belonged to before I passed out and the last thing I saw was 2 tanned arms wrap around me in time to stop me from falling.

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