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Lottie was sitting in her room talking to Tyler. She looked up when both Austin and me walked in at the same time.

She scowled at me which Austin picked up on and sent her a glare.

Damon cleared his throat from behind me, and we all went and sat down somewhere. Lottie went back to being herself by talking to Tyler again and completely ignoring us.

This annoyed me, so I spoke up.

"You called us here for a reason right? So can you please tell us why you brought us here?"

She glared at me again, but began explaining.

"I know who the head of this place is. It's someone we all know as well. You know the guy who's the head of security of this country? Well he's been ordered to find a new way to protect this country. One of the doctors who tested me let it slip. He's probably going to be punished severely for it."

We were just processing her words when someone came to take Damon. He got up from next to me and smiled at me. I smiled back, and mouthed good luck.

He left and Lottie glared at me again. This time I glared back.

Austin noticed again and spoke.

"Let's go Sophie. We still haven't finished breakfast."

I nodded and left with Austin. I heard Tyler trying to calm Lottie down, and I saw Austin was walking back to my room, so I followed him.

We finished breakfast and we just sat there talking.

He told me how he had a younger sister called Emily who was 8. I could imagine a younger girl version of Austin, and she was adorable.

I told him about how I had known Naomi ever since we started high school and how we were still best friends now.

I told him about my parents and how they weren't my real parents. They had adopted me when I was 5 because they knew my parents. They never had any of their own children so they treated me like their own flesh and blood.

Austin listened to how I grew to love them like my parents, but I still called them by their first names because they weren't actually my birth parents. They knew it would still feel weird to call them mum and dad, so they just lived with it.

Soon we had run of things to say, so Austin went and grabbed his football.

He taught me some basic tricks and then I left him to it. I grabbed my laptop and called Naomi. I told her about the head of security leading this operation and this was a new way to protect the country.

She told me to tell everyone to keep trying to find out anything new, and then she hung up.

I sighed and looked through my laptop until I found some pictures. They were pictures from when me and Naomi were in year 7.

I looked at how my life was so much simpler and all I had to worry about was school work and tests.

Soon Austin was bored so I showed him the pictures as well. I think we must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember is being woken up by Austin who was holding a plate of food.

I took it and we both ate in a comfortable silence. Austin suggested we go to Tyler's room so that he could talk to Tyler and so I don't get bored. So we went to Tyler's room and Austin and Tyler both played on his X-box while I watched them and cheered Tyler on.

They must have played for hours, because I fell asleep.

I felt myself being carried and moved closer to whoever was carrying me. I felt a silent chuckle and soon I was back in my bed.

I heard a quiet good night and the light being switched off before I drifted back into a deep sleep.


Huh!!!! Long chapter. Hope you liked it. On the side is a picture of Ella Purnell who Sophie is based on.

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