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When I woke up, I realised where I was. Looking around, everything was in the same place as it was before I fell asleep.

The only difference was that my laptop was once again sitting on the table next to the bed. Someone must have moved it while I was asleep.

Ok, let's try moving. Maybe that thing in my foot won't hurt as much as it did yesterday. Right, slowly.

I moved so that I was sitting up and moved my legs so that they were hanging off the bed. I took a deep breath and put my feet on the floor. I then stood up.

Looking down, I saw that the red colour had gone down, and that the pain wasn't as bad as before, so I started to walk to the door.

When I reached the door, I tried to remember which room was whose. I wanted to talk to Damon about who Anti-X was. When I couldn't remember, I decided to just try any door.

The first door looked exactly the same as all the others, so I just knocked on it. When no-one answered, I opened it and the first thing I heard was soft murmuring. Lying on the bed was Lottie, who was sleeping in some cute pyjamas.

I looked around and saw her room was like mine, but looked to have been more personalised while mine just felt like a room. There was not anything interesting actually other than the huge painting she had on the wall. It covered the whole wall and looking closely, I saw that it was her, Damon, Austin and Tyler, as well as some famous faces that were mentioned before.

Yes, you guessed it.

One Direction.

After I saw that painting, I left the room and quietly closed the door behind me so as not to wake up Lottie. I hate to think of what would have happened if I had woken her up.

Turning around, I tried the room opposite it. Again, I knocked but got no answer, so I opened the door. I heard light snoring that was coming from the bed. Austin was sprawled on the bed like a starfish, and the duvet was only half on him while the other half was hanging off the side of the bed.

The funniest thing about this image was the fact that he had his mouth open and that along with his snoring, he also had a bed head and crumpled clothes. Huh, guess someone was too tired to change last night.

Before I could burst out laughing, I quickly left the room, but I think I must have bumped into something on the floor. The force of kicking it made me cry out, which was enough for Austin to jerk awake.

He rubbed his eyes before he saw me, and he got up and quickly walked towards me. He didn't look happy.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?" He said in a sleep-filled voice.

"I was looking for Damon's room. I wanted to talk to him." was my reply.

Austin just looked at me like I was crazy. After considering me for a few seconds, he nodded.

"I'll take you before you wake up everyone." I scowled.

Instead of arguing with him anymore, I just followed him to the room next to his. He opened the door and sitting on the bed was an already dressed Damon fiddling with something.

I didn't bother thanking him and walked into Damon's room. He didn't say anything and just closed the door. I heard his soft footsteps going back to his room to probably sleep more. That's boys for you.

Damon looked up and smiled. Up close, I saw that there was a calculator in his hand. Instead of bothering to ask him why he was holding his calculator, I asked him what Anti-X was.

He thought about and then began to speak.

"They're the ones trying to get us out of this. They are one of the few groups of people who know exactly we are. This experiment is so secret that not even one person outside of this building is supposed to know it exists. But of course, this group knows."

I nodded for him to go on, but he just sighed.

"All were really know about them is that they are trying to get us out, and that they are lead by a woman who we only know as Mi. She's the one who we have been making a communicating system with. If we didn't have her, we'd still be clueless of why we were here."

I nodded and was about to leave when I heard a voice. It belonged to a shady figure in Damon's doorway. I was too shocked to move when it said that I had to come with them.

When they realised that I wasn't going to move, they moved forward and gripped my arm. I yelped, and Damon stood up.

"If you go with them without objecting, they won't use force." Damon said.

This didn't make much sense to me, so I kept struggling to get out of his grip. He dragged me down the corridor to a metal door at the end of the corridor.

When he had pulled me through the door, someone in a white coat pressed a needle in my arm. I knew they were going to experiment on me like they did Tyler, and they might even beat me up. Soon enough, I was drowsy but not asleep, so I was dragged to a room and laid down.

Eventually I fell asleep. The last thing I remembered was that I was going to be experimented on and I wouldn't even remember what they did to me.

What had I done to deserve this?

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