'Who are you going to see?' inquired the driver. 'There is a strong lineup of performers this year.'

'All of my tickets are for the same performer-Prince,' Emma replied.

'I'm sure you'll enjoy them. He's been here before and has always had amazing shows. Here we are, madam. Enjoy your stay in Montreux!' He pulled into the circular drive of a boutique hotel displaying flags of all nations above the driveway. The car door was opened by a smiling doorman, who took Emma's hand and helped her out of the car. She wasn't used to such service!

"This is Ms. Leal from the US. I'm sure you'll take good care of her,' said the driver, as he gave the luggage to a waiting bellhop.

'Ms. Leal, welcome to the Hotel Montreux. We are pleased to welcome you, we've been expecting you!' smiled the doorman as he ushered her into the stunning lobby of the hotel. 'We will do everything we can to make your stay here perfect.'

Prince Rogers Nelson was traveling as well. He was the man who was such an icon in his industry he was simply referred to by his first name by everyone. A singer, composer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and internationally famous performer, he was the headlining act at the Montreux Jazz Festival for the third time. Prince's private plane touched down smoothly on the tarmac. As he looked out of the window at the now-familiar mountains, a view he loved, he began thinking about his personal life and choices, thinking he might be at a crossroads yet again.

He was starting to question the religious organization he had joined 10 years before, but knew the members of his congregation would shun him completely if he changed his faith, and he hated feeling abandoned. He didn't know how to solve that issue; he had enjoyed having people to worship with and a place of peace to focus and study with people who valued studying God's word as much as he did. The basic tenets of this particular faith were beginning to feel not like a structure to build his life around, but a set of overly confining rules and regulations, many of which weren't even found in the Bible. He didn't like feeling like he was breaking rules when he was just being himself, living within the 10 commandments.

He wished once again that he wasn't alone. He recently distanced himself from a relationship with a wonderful lady who was, quite simply, far too young for him at this time in his life. Ending that relationship had broken his heart, as well as hers, and he felt doubly guilty about that. He should have never let things get as far as they did, but as they always say, the heart wants what it wants.

He hadn't realized what was happening until it was too late, or he had been in denial about what was happening. At this time in his life becoming a father was utterly ridiculous, and that was one of the demands she had begun to make. Sadly, she wasn't willing to take no for an answer. At the same time, he was starting to wonder if his fame meant more to her than he did.

He had many young energetic people in his entourage, and extremely talented musicians in his band, but no one to really share a life with. He'd accomplished so much in his professional life, but his personal life felt like a series of failures.

Before rising to leave the plane, he said a quick prayer, asking God once again for a partner, and to please drop her into his path. Chasing after a woman, pushing the relationship forward too quickly, hadn't worked for him in the past. With introspection, he realized it was his normal pattern. He prayed for a mature, God fearing, beautiful woman to capture his heart almost at once, and be equally captivated by him, rather than the public face he showed the world..

Entering the limousine with him, his assistant ran through the schedule for the day and evening. 'After your soundcheck, you'll have some time to yourself at the Hotel Montreux. I'll have a meal sent up 2 hours before showtime. Do you want to go into the hotel the back way? I'll have your room key ready and the luggage will be in the penthouse waiting for you.'

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