» Nineteen «

17 1 10

Jess wasn't answering my messages or calls. In fact she'd blocked me I think. Last I saw her was in the school corridor, rubbing her neck which had visible bruising on it. I can't believe Raven would do such a thing. Well actually I can believe it. Uh I just don't get girls, even when they're dead they're still confusing.

Now Jess wasn't accepting my existence, I ate lunch alone, just like the good old days. Today's special was sloppy Joe's, with emphasis on the sloppy part. I swear they just get this stuff from the discarded section of baby food factories.

"Hey loser" I heard voice call from the canteen line. It's sad when you know when someone's shouting 'loser' you know they're talking to you. I turned in the direction of the voice only to be greeted by projectile smash potato.
"Freak" another voice shouted followed by a roar of laughter. I wiped my face the best I could so I could see through the thick slop. Looking around everyone was laughing, phones pointed my direction, no doubt ready to be posted to YouTube, everyone except Jess that was. She stared at me, rather right through me as if I wasn't even there.

I began to feel anger grow inside me. Not because I'd been publicly humiliated or laughed at or shamed. No, but because I wasn't seen as a person anymore. The only humanity I had died when Raven killed my chance with Jess. I'd had enough. What had I ever done to any of them? Absolutely nothing.
"Aww cry baby run out of tears" Daniel walked up to me with his hideous stare, disturbing my thoughts.
"Everyone knows about the freak show that went on in your house" I looked down trying to control my anger. I swear I felt the rage of a bull running through my veins.
"You're not going to cry again are you? Hey everyone cry baby's having an episode again" laughed roared up again. That was it. Wave a red flag in front of the bull, be ready to accept the consequences.

I stood tall "I'm not crying, the only thing that makes me cry is when you look at me too long. You make my eyes sting you're so damn fugly"
There was a mixture of gasps and giggles. Raven would have found that funny, she'd have  laughed for hours with a comment like that. Urh why was I thinking about her at a time like this.


Fuck I was dazed in my thoughts that I wasn't focusing of Daniel landing a fist to my cheek. I fell back, hitting my head hard of the lunch bench. Daniel spat on me and turned to walk away.
"That all you got. Only cowards walk away" that made him stop in his tracks.
"What did you call me? I ain't no coward cunt"
Everyone riled up chanting us to fight again. Seriously where are the teachers around here? Even the lunch ladies where chanting, this is a fucked up school.

I stood up only to be crippled again by Daniel's fist to my stomach. I had so much adrenaline running through me I'd passed the point of pain.
"You want more, eh?" Daniel was doing that stupid bouncing around with his fists up thing like boxers do, even though it was clear he'd had no boxing training. He swung I was able to duck this one. The crowd chanted and cheered so loud I couldn't hear a thing, except the beating of my own heart in my head. It pounded so loud making me dizzy. I had to stay focused.

I wasn't messing around I went straight in for a dick kick. I'm not a fighter so, you know, go for the weak point right. Well it worked he grabbed his balls, cradling them in his hands. Next thing I knew I was kneeing him in the face. I didn't even think about it. It was like my anger took control of my body. He fell to the ground, I mounted him and punched. I punched and punched and punched. The crowed had gone completely silent but I hadn't noticed with the pounding in my head. I pounded his face until his body went floppy. I should have stopped there but I couldn't it's like I had no control of myself. I just kept punching his face morphing it like playdoh.

Tears ran down my face. I was physically exhausted. I cried in front of everyone. It fell next to Daniel's unconscious body.
"I'M HUMAN TOO" I screamed at the top of my lungs but I chocked up on my tears.
"I'm human too" this time it was much quieter. Darkness swapped my vision, I could have fought it off but I didn't want to. I let it surround me, engulf me completely. The pounding in my head stopped. In fact everything did. I felt nothing I heard nothing. I saw nothing. My mind a wondering abyss.

"Jake" my ear pricked up.
"Jake" it was a familiar voice
"Dad?" My eyes peeled opened slowly. I was in hospital. How long was I out for?

Author's note: hey guys. I know it's been forever since I've wrote a chapter I've just had major writers block and been doing A levels so not had much time. I'm in a better place now so I promise weekly updates until I finish the book. I hope you've not lost hope in me and thank you for being supportive. Dedication is to all my readers who have been looking forward to more. Thank you.

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