» Eighteen «

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I've been reluctant to invite Jess round, but she's moaned loads about why I won't invite her. What can I tell her "oh yeah sure Jess come round but just bare in mind there's a ghost which lives in my house and only I can see her. Oh and she might kill you because her people skills are awful". Yeah...no, that wouldn't go down well. And we all know why. But seen as I haven't seen Raven in awhile I thought this might be my chance.

I don't really know what we're going to do at mine, I mean there's nothing to do here. At least at her house there's a game console to play on and avoid awkward silences with.

She got to mine slightly earlier than arranged so my room was still a shit tip. I rushed around quickly shoving everything in my wardrobe and drawers, before sprinting downstairs and opening the door.
"H-H-H..." I paused to catch my breath and held up a finger, indicating I was going to continue my sentence. "Hey" I finally panted.
"Hiya, you been exercising or something?"
"Yeah could say that" I said with a sarcastic tone. She came in and we went up to my room.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked, as I had no ideas.
"Sit here and talk?"
"Uh...okay...about what?" I sat down on my bed and she followed. I was rethinking my decision of inviting her round, I have no idea what to do.
"Hmm I don't know, life?" She smiled.
"Let's not, that's a mushy and emotional topic" Jess giggled, and we briefly exchanged awkward eye contact. I looked away knowing I could feel my face begin to get red.
"We should probably talk about the kissing aspect of our friendship" she continued "I mean, it's kind of awkward that I always kiss you and you just stand there like I'm some sort of Medusa, turning you to stone."
"It's...it's because I've never kissed a girl before so I don't know what to do"
"Well do you want to try it?"
She leaned in and I made some noise that indicated I did. Her face was so close to mine that I closed my eyes avoiding the awkwardness, waiting for our lips to touch.

I think 10 seconds passed with me having my eyes closed when I realised she wasn't going to kiss me. I opened them wondering what was going on. Jess led out a chilling scream and she flew backwards from me and in to the wall behind my bed.
"Raven! What the fuck are you doing" I shouted.
"You we're going to kiss this lump of a human!?" She screamed back, pinning Jess to the wall by her hair.
"Jake what's going on I can't move?" A shake in her voice.
"Raven. Put. Her. Down...Now!" Ravens face was all scrunched up, like snow when it's been trampled on.

"Fine!" I wasn't having this thing kiss Jake, no way. I grabbed Jess by her hair and lifted her off the ground before dropping her. Jake gave me dead eyes.
"What? You told me to drop her" my tone angrily sarcastic. Jess began blubbering like a baby, I couldn't help but smirk. Jake grabbed Jess "I'll deal with you later" he glared at me and led Jess out his room.

"Jake who are you talking to, what the fuck just happened?" Jess stopped and looked at Jake.
"What was that?" She turned and pointed to where I'd pinned her to the wall and then rubbed the back of her head.
"It...errr..." he kept looking at me then Jess.
"It's complicated" he stumbled
"What do you mean it's complicated? I was just thrown across the room and you acted as if it was normal. Tell me the truth what's going on?" She sounded so serious. I was trying to hold in my laughter, but I couldn't, I floated around on my back laughing my head off.

"There's...errr...hmm...well a ghost...who lives in this house" wow I was actually surprised he told her and not made up some bullshit story.
"Fine! If you won't tell me the truth I'll just leave" and with that she headed downstairs with Jake running after her.
"Jess. Jess wait" he called.
I feel like I should feel bad or guilty, but quite frankly I don't. Jake is my friend and no other girl will take my place. How dare he bring her into my home. He knew I didn't want her round here. Just because I'm not around doesn't mean that it's ok for her to be here. It's his own fault. He's the only one to blame here.

It didn't take long for Jake to come back. I'd placed myself nicely floating above his bed, my legs crossed like a monk meditating. I was expecting him to shout at me or be burning red with anger but he wasn't.
"Can you please just leave." His gaze fixed at the floor, voice low and quiet, not exactly what I was expecting.
"No. Why should I when this is my house and my room?"
"Because" the volume of his voice grew deeper and darker "because this is my room. Not yours. You're dead and now it's mine. You're so self-centred and jealous that I can't even have friends of the opposite sex without you trying to kill them" he paused catching his breath after saying so much with little breathing space in between.
"You just don't know when to stop, do you? You couldn't just leave her alone. I happen to quite like Jess and now she's scared to death of this house and thinks I'm a liar."
"I...I'm sorry" those where hard words for me to say.
"No you're not. You're never sorry. Get out. GET OUT" he actually made me jump which was unusual. I watched as he screamed for me to leave and drop to the floor crying.

Perhaps I did go to far.

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