» Two «

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Today the house seemed louder than usual. Louder than silent actually. Well I say loud but it was still silent, I just had this loud feeling. Like something was coming, and I wasn't wrong.

I was in the kitchen making myself some 'breakfast', when I say breakfast I mean poring an empty box of cornflakes into a bowl and pretending to eat it. I'm a ghost for fucks sake, even if I had cornflakes I couldn't eat them. I don't quite get the whole ghost rules thing, I mean I can touch people and objects, but they can't see or hear me yet animals can, and if I attempt to eat food it just drops straight through me and tends to hit the floor. Weird I know.

Oh and another thing I found out is that if you're on the brink of death or die and come back to life you can then see me. I found that out when Mr Jeffersons, the old owner, pacemaker went all dodgy and for a split second he was gone, then BAM it started again. At this point in time I was staring straight at him so when he opened his eyes he had quite a shock. He got taken away for insanity, because "there's ghosts in the house, I saw it the devil, I swear, listen to me" that's what he said as the care home staff took him away, tied to a chair.

I didn't feel bad about it at all, amused actually. The devil! Me? The devil! Quite proud I gave him such a shock he thought I was the devil. This is why I don't want anyone dying in my house, because I don't want to be seen, I don't want anyone else to be trapped in my house.

So as I was saying I was having breakfast, enjoying the peacefulness when "Oh my god, it absolutely reeks, what died in here". Hey that's me you're talking about, I died in here. A tall blonde haired woman walked through the front door, great a new victim. She was wearing some fancy heals, and a low cut top exposing what I assume were meant to be breasts. What a tart. Oh wait here comes her husband, a muscular man, quite handsome, this should be fun. They walked through the living room and dumped their stuff in the hall way.

"We're going to be really happy here, I can just feel it" the man said smiling at his wife. pfft not if I can help it.
"Jake get inside now!" The woman squealed. I hope that's their dog, I love dogs. Have you ever seen a ghost play fetch with a dog, no, well I can tell you it scares the shit out of people, seeing a ball magically throw itself.
"Yeah I'm coming Nicole Jeez" a male voice said. Darn it, not a dog.
"Now I've told you call me mum" the boy who I assume is called Jake muttered something under his breath but I wasn't close enough to hear it. This was the loud feeling I had. Finally some new people to scare. This was going to be so much fun I could feel it in my bones, metaphorically speaking.

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