The Van Allen's vs The End

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GUYS ITS THE LAST CHAPTER!!! Oh my God. I'm actually really excited for season five and Lucifer. I have so much planned for the Apocalypse.

Dean picked up a pedestal, marble and hard in his hands, and started to smash it through the wall. "Dean!" Karoline scolded. It made a big hole, and with renewed enthusiasm Dean started to bash his way further. Then, just as he got to the foundation, he blinked, and the wall was complete again. He threw the statue to the ground and cursed.

"Son of a bitch!"

"Quit hurling feces like a howler monkey, would you? It's unbecoming," Zachariah said from behind them and they turned around, Dean's face red with anger.

"Let me out of here."

"Like I told you: too dangerous out there. For both of you. Demons on the prowl," he said. Dean laughed, shaking his head. Something was going on. Dean looked back at Karoline who sighed heavily.

"I've been getting my ass kicked all year. Now you're sweating my safety? You're lying. I want to see my brother, I want to see Alayna."

"That's... ill-advised," Zachariah said.

"You know, I am so sick of your crap riddles and your smug, fat face. What the hell is going on, huh? Why can't I see Sam? Or Alayna? And how am I gonna ice Lilith?" It was time for some honest to God answers, and maybe he'd just have to beat them out of old Zachariah if he didn't start talking.

The angel sighed and looked smugly at Dean. "You're not. ...Going to ice Lilith."

"What?" Karoline frowned in confusion.

"Lilith's going to break the final seal. Fait accompli at this point. Train's left the station," he said with a shrug, wandering past them.

"But me and Sam and the girls, we can stop..." Dean realized what he was about to say. The pieces of the puzzle starting to fall into place. "You don't want to stop it, do you?"

"Nope. Never did. The end is nigh. The apocalypse is coming, kiddo, to a theater near you," he said with another one of those infuriating smiles.

"What was all that crap about saving seals?" Karoline asked, and the anger inside of her started to rise.

"Our grunts on the ground - we couldn't just tell them the whole truth. We'd have a full-scale rebellion on our hands," Zachariah explained. "I mean, think about it. Would we really let 65 seals get broken unless senior management wanted it that way?"

"But why?" She asked.

"Why not?" Zachariah asked. "The Apocalypse? Poor name, bad marketing - puts people off. When all it is is Ali/Foreman. On a... slightly larger scale. And we like our chances. When our side wins - and we will - it's paradise on earth. Now, what's not to like about that?"

He sounded like he was insane. "What happens to all the people during your little pissing contest?" Dean asked.

"Well... you can't make an omelette without cracking a few eggs. In this case... truckloads of eggs, but you get the picture. Look... it happens. This isn't the first planetary enema we've delivered." He replied. Dean spotted a statue on a mantelpiece nearby, and pictured it smashing into his skull. It would be worth it just to wipe the smug look off his face. Zachariah seemed to realize what he was thinking. "Uh, no, Dean. Probably shouldn't try to bash my skull in with that thing. Wouldn't end up too pleasant for you."

"What about Sam? He won't go quietly. He'll stop Lilith."

The angel inhaled deeply, shaking his head. "Sam... has a part to play. A very important part. He may need a little nudging in the right direction, but I'll make sure he plays it," he said.

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