The Van Allen's vs Ghost Sickness

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Deputy Linus handed a folder to Sam with a smile. "This is the Garland file," he said and Sam nodded, flipping through it. Linus looked over their shoulders at Dean, who was standing near the door way, swaying on his feet a little. The girls had tried to get him to stay in the car, but he was steadfastly refusing to leave Karoline's side.

"Is he...drunk?" Linus asked and Sam turned to look at Dean, who gave them a big smile and thumbs up.

"No," Sam said sternly. "Deputy, according to this, Luther Garland's cause of death was physical trauma. What does that mean?"

"The guy died twenty years ago, before my time. Sorry," he answered.

"Then can we talk to the Sheriff?" Alayna asked and Linus shifted uncomfortably.

"Um, he's out sick today," he said.

"Well, if you see him, will you have him call us? We're staying at the Bluebird," Sam said, closing the file and holding it up. "Mind if I take this?" He didn't wait for an answer, turning on his heel and walking back toward the door. The girls followed, and Dean swayed again, looking at Linus.

"Know what? You're awesome," he told the deputy with a grin.

"Thanks. Um, y-you too, I guess," Linus replied and Karoline snickered, putting her hand on Dean's arm and guiding him toward the door.

"Come on, we have more research to do," Karoline said, leading him out. Sam and Alayna were waiting outside for them, leaning on the car.

"So what now?" Karoline asked and he inclined his head toward the South of town.

"Luther had a brother, time to get some answers," Alayna replied.

By the time they'd made it inside Dean was starting to panic. He bumped into a resident coming around the corner and jumped back, grabbing Karoline's arm. "This isn't gonna work," he said anxiously to her. "Come on, these badges are fake. What if we get busted? We could go to jail!" He said and Sam sighed, looking at him.

"Man you should have stayed in the car," he said, looking at Karoline. "Can't you do something?"

She stopped walking and pulled Dean around to face her. "Dean, shh! Calm down," she said, looking into his eyes. "Take a deep breath, okay?" Dean complied, sucking in a breath and then letting it out slowly. She smiled. "There. You feel better?" Dean shook his head no and she sighed. "Just, relax okay? It's fine, everything is going to be fine. Come on," she said, taking his arm and leading him after Sam and Alayna who were waiting a few yards away. Dean started to reach for his arm and Karoline batted his hand away. "Don't scratch," she instructed and he frowned at her.

Mr Garland was sitting at a table in a communal dining area when we found him. "Mr Garland?" Alayna asked and he looked up at us, nodding slightly. "Hi, uh, I'm Agent Steve. This is Agents Tyler, Perry, and Whitmore, FBI. We'd like to ask you a few questions about your brother Luther."

Garland sat back in his seat, looking at them appraisingly. "Let me see some ID," he said and Karoline felt Dean stiffen beside her, glancing frantically about.

"Certainly," Alayna said with ease, reaching in to pull out her badge. Sam and Karoline followed his direction, and then Dean did as well, holding his badge out to be inspected. Garland took the badges, looking them over and glancing back at them. Dean started to squirm beside the blonde, but there was nothing she could do, she was supposed to be his work partner, not his girlfriend/wife, she couldn't comfort him the way she wanted to.

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