The Van Allen's vs Metamorphosis

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Young Robert Downey Jr as Young Tom Van Allen

Karoline opened the door to the motel room and pushed it open, coming to a stop in the doorway as Sam ran into her. "Kare..." Sam said and then he realized why she had hesitated and he smiled, slipping around her. "Travis." Sam greeted with a smile when he spotted the man sitting in a chair, chugging down one of their beers.

Karoline shook her head, letting the door close behind her as she came into the room, "I knew we should've hid the beer."

Travis got up with a smile, moving toward them, "Smartass. Get over here." He laughed, pulling the blonde in for a hug. "Ahh, good to see you."

Karoline pulled back and nodded, "You too."

Sam moved in to give Travis a hug and the man smiled, "Good to see you." He said again.

"You too, Travis." Sam said with a smile and then pulled away. "Man, you got tall, kid." He said and they all laughed. "How long has it been?"

"Ah, gotta be 10 years." Sam shrugged, looking over at Karoline who nodded.

"You still a.. oh, what was it... a mathlete?" Travis asked while Sam scoffed.

"No." He said shaking his head.

"He sure is," Karoline cut in with a wide grin, dismissing the look Sam gave her. "Him and Layna both."

"Speaking of," He looked around like he had accidentally looked the two over somehow. "Where is little Layna, and Dean."

Karoline looked back at Sam, trying to think of a lie, "Working something of their own." She brushed it off.

Travis nodded, walking over to the table and Karoline followed, taking a seat on the bed. Travis glanced down and saw the ring on her finger and raised an eyebrow before turning to Sam, "Sorry I'm late for the dance. Thanks for helping out an old man. I'm a little, uh, shorthanded." Both Karoline and Sam laughed at the comment. "So, you track down Montgomery?"

"Yeah, we found him at his home." Sam answered, taking a seat at the table with Travis.


"Well, he had a serious case of the munchies, topped off with a burger he forgot to cook." Karoline said, thinking about the scene she'd just witnessed.

"That's him alright." Travis said confidently.

"What's him?" She asked.

"Kids, we got a rougarou on our hands." he said, looking from Karoline to Sam.

"A rougarou?" Karoline echoed with a slight laugh, looking at Sam. "Is that even a real thing?" She asked, looking back at Travis

"They're mean, nasty little suckers." Travis answered. "Rotted teeth, wormy skin, the works."

"Well, that ain't this guy," Karoline shook her head in disbelief. "I mean, he was wearing a cellphone on his belt."

"He'll turn ugly soon enough. They start out human, for all intents and purposes." Travis promised, giving her a pointed look.

"So, what?" Sam asked. "They go through some kind of metamorphosis?"

"Yep, like a maggot turning into a bull fly." Travis nodded in agreement to Sam's analysis. "But most of all.. they're hungry."

"Hungry for what?" Karoline asked.

"At first, for everything, but then... for long pig." Sam looked a little shocked, only furthering Karoline's confusion.

"Long pig?" Karoline echoed, looking at Sam.

He glanced at her, looking a little sick, "He means human flesh."

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