The Van Allen's vs Family Remains

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"Hey. You okay?" Alayna asked, her and Brian hurrying over to Karoline and the boys as they jogged down the front porch steps and into the lawn. 

"Where is everybody?" Dean asked instead of answering.

"Hiding." Brian answered shortly.

"Alright, go get them. Go. Go get them." Dean rushed and Brian turned on his toes and took back off towards where Alayna had told them to hide. "So, it's not a ghost." Dean began once Brian was gone.

"So, it's just a girl?" Karoline asked in disbelief. 

"It's not just a girl. It's psycho Nell." Dean corrected and Karoline let out a snort of amusement. "I'm telling you, Kare —humans."

"Amen." Karoline muttered her agreement, a hand on her hip.

"So, who is she, then?" Sam brought the topic back to the matter at hand, bringing up the question they were all thinking. 

"I don't know. Maybe it's the daughter, Rebecca." Dean offered with a shrug. "Maybe she didn't hang herself."

"Dean, no." Alayna shot it down immeadiatly, shaking her head and raising a hand. "She'd have to be like fifty years old by now."

"Well, I don't know. What'd you find in the attic?" Dean asked Karoline and his brother, looking between the two. 

"Some old junk. I found Rebecca's diary. That's about it." Sam shrugged, his words rushed. How in the Hell were they supposed to deal with this? If it was a ghost it would've been simple, now it was a real, living human. A crazy one, but still a human. 

"I wish you'd found a howitzer." Dean muttered.

"Listen," Alayna cut in her eyes serious. "We got to get this family safe. I mean, it's just a human, so they can make a run for it. We just got to hold her off." Dean nodded in agreement to her statement.

"We're okay." Susan told the four hunters as she Brian, and their daughter came into view from around the corner. 

"Danny! Ted! We got to go!" Brian called out, taking a few steps forward. 

Ted came running from the other side with a flashlight, "I'm good."

"Danny! Come on!" Susan called out into the darkness and Alayna's blood ran cold when they got no response. She looked around frantically for the little kid, her hand touching her stomach. 

"Danny, buddy, we got to go!" Brian called out with his wife as Ted turned to the hunters.

"Told you it was some crazy bitch." He said with an I-told-you-so look that made Alayna want to smack him in the face.

"Yes, you did." Dean smart assed and Alayna knew she wasn't the only one feeling that way. 

"Head to town. We'll take it from here, okay?" Karoline turned to Brian with a nod, her arms crossed.

"Danny, come on, baby! We're leaving!" Susan was full on screaming now but still only met with silence. 

"This isn't good." Alayna muttered, running a hand through her hair restlessly. "Danny!" She called out with them.

"Danny, we got to go!" Brian cupped his hands around his mouth.

Now everyone was getting worried, "Brian, where—Where is he?" Susan's voice shook as her eyes scanned the empty yard for her son. 

"Danny!" Brian called again, instead of answering. 

"Danny!" Susan echoed her husband and just about bolted into the woods around her.

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