The Van Allen's vs Transylvania

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Karoline drove across the Pennsylvania border. The sign stating 'Welcome to Pennsylvania' lit up sharply in the dark with a flash of lightning and Alayna could have sworn it said 'Transylvania' instead of Pennsylvania. It was like they'd stepped into the Twilight zone. She fiddled with the radio which was playing some kind of orchestral number that sounded like they were about to walk into a Frankenstein movie. She sighed and turned it off, "The radio around here sucks." She complained as she switched it off.

"Come on, Alayna," Dean's voice came through the phone, causing her to jump, having forgotten they were on the phone with Dean and Sam. "Jobs don't get much sweeter than this, you know? Dead vic with a gnawed-on neck, body drained of blood, and a witness who swears up and down that it was a vampire."

"It's definitely a Hell of a case." Alayna muttered, shaking her head.

"You could be a little more enthusiastic," Karoline teased, grinning over at her sister.

"It's just... things aren't exactly going good, you know?" Alayna shrugged, looking out the window at the bright sky.

"She's right," Sam agreed, his voice crackling through Karoline's cell. "The world is coming to an end. Things are a little complicated."

"Yeah, well, we can't save the world, not today anyway. But what we can do is chop off some vamps' heads. Come on, man, it's like the good old days, an honest-to-goodness monster hunt." Dean spoke with an excitement in his voice.

"Exactly, It's about time the Vanchesters got back to tackling a straightforward, black and white case." Karoline smiled over at the phone then bounced her eyebrows at Alayna.

"Vanchesters?" Both Dean and Sam echoed dubiously.

Karoline's smile dropped as she looked back out at the road, "Don't judge me."

It was a bright and cheerful day when they arrived. Karoline parked the Buick, and parted from Alayna and the boys, going to look for a shop with a bar wench costume. The plan was for Karoline to go undercover as one of the barista's at the bar and get in-tell on the recent murder. She grabbed a costume off a rack and looked it over briefly. "I like it." Karoline jumped at the voice behind her and turned to see a beautiful brunette, she had bouncy dark brown curls and big brown eyes, a smile playing at her lips. "I'm sorry, I'm Lucy."

"Karoline." She nodded, shaking her hand with a smile.

"Are you applying at the Tavern?" Lucy asked, tilting her head slightly.

"What gave it away." Karoline joked looking the costume over.

Lucy laughed, coming up beside her to look at it herself, then at Karoline, "then that's perfect." Karoline looked over at the girl curiously, seeing her wearing a similar costume.

"You're a barista?"

Lucy nodded, her bright smile never faltering. "Guilty. So, I'll see you there then, huh?"

"Yeah." Karoline nodded, waving as the girl left the store. She frowned slightly at the random coincidence then went to pay for the costume and change.

When she found Alayna and the boys again they were over at a vendor, each with their own large pretzels. "Guten tag." She giggled, coming up beside Dean with a wide, excited grin.

"Guten tag yourself." Dean smirked around a mouthful of pretzel, looking the blonde up and down.

"Don't I look great," She laughed joyously, grabbing her skirt and twirling to show them.

Alayna shook her head, smiling at her enthusiasm, "you're enjoying this too much."

Karoline flipped her hair over her shoulder, "No shame."

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