The Van Allen's vs Post Breakup

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Sam and Alayna came into the nearly empty bar to see Dean passed out on the counter, papers scattered all around him and a half bottle of Whiskey beside him. "What the hell?" Sam muttered. The only other people there was the bar tender and a group of guys in the back booth.   

"Dean dumped Kari." Alayna answered, her hands on her hips as Sam started to pick up the mess of papers around his brother.

"Why?" Sam looked back at Alayna briefly with a confused look on his face to which Alayna shrugged. "Who spends three years pinning after a girl, just to dump her." Sam muttered to himself.

"I can hear you, dumbass." Dean muttered, not opening his eyes. Sam stopped in his actions, letting out a heavy sigh as he shared a look with Alayna. Dean slowly straightened up, craning his neck as he poured himself another shot.

"What is all this?" Sam asked, looking the papers in his hands over with a furrowed brow.

"What does it look like?" Dean shot back bitterly, taking the shot in one go, grimacing slightly and pouring another one. 

Alayna came up beside Sam and looked the papers over herself, "A job." She realized with a heavy sigh. They'd just finished up a job not even four hours ago. 

"Yahtzee." Dean muttered, taking yet another shot before turning and taking the papers from Sam.  

"We just finished a job like four hours ago." She pointed out, crossing her arms. 

"Adrenaline's still pumping, I guess." He shrugged, flipping the page with serious eyes. "So, what do you think... Cedar Rapids, Tulsa, or Chi-Town?" He turned to show one article to Alayna.

"I am all for working. I really am." Sam said. "But, we need sleep."

Dean pulled the papers back, when neither made a move to take it from him, "Yeah, we can sleep when we're dead.

"You're exhausted, Dean." Alayna gave him a pointed look and he shrugged her off. 

"I'm good." Dean insisted and he barely finished his comment when Alayna cut in.

"No, you're not. You're running on fumes, and you can't run forever." She fixed her jeans before sliding into the bar stool next to him with a small smile. 

"And what am I running from?" Dean looked over at her with a challenge in his eyes.

"Karoline," He rolled his eyes at her answer and turned back to the article in his hands, taking another shot. "You broke up with her and now you don't want to face her because you know what you did was stupid."

Dean looked over at her for a silent moment, licking his lips and nodding, "Stratton, Nebraska. Farm town. A man gets hacked to death in a locked room inside a locked house. No signs of forced entry." Alayna sighed in defeat looking back at Sam.

"Sounds like a ghost." Sam agreed, knowing they weren't going to get anywhere with him on the topic of Karoline.

"Yes, it does." Dean nodded.

Alayna sighed with a nod and got up out of the chair. "I'll go get Karoline." 

Karoline rolled over in her bed, looking at the alarm clock on the nightstand the time blinking in red numbers on the screen. She groaned at how early it was, pulling her blanket over her head. All she wanted to do was go back to sleep and stay there forever. Anything was better than having to face Dean.

"Okay, time to wake up sleepy head." Karoline groaned at the noise as Alayna came into their hotel room. 

Karoline snuggled deeper into her pillow, pulling the comforter around her tighter. "No. I'm not leaving this bed."

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