The Van Allen's vs Truman High

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Alayna sighed, looking across the table at the High school student, tapping her pen on the clipboard in her hands. Sam had caught wind of a possible hunt at Truman High school, a girl murdered another girl in the bathroom, claiming she was possessed. "I'm not talking about it anymore. I already told the cops and the doctors. No one believes me. They think I'm crazy." April shook her head defiantly.

Alayna sighed, "Well, I'm a little bit more open-minded than most." She smiled reassuringly at the younger girl. "April, why did you tell the police you were possessed?"

April shook her head, looking away from the brunette, "It doesn't matter."

"It matters to me."

"When I-" April broke off looking at Alayna with a sigh. "When I hurt Taylor, I was there, in my head, but I couldn't control my body. I could see what I was doing, but I couldn't stop. I just wanted to stop." Alayna smiled sadly when she noticed the tears that gathered in her eyes. "I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize." Alayna told her with another smile. "April, some of the kids at school told the police that you and Taylor didn't get along."

"Well, yeah, but I never wanted to kill her. Never." She said like it was the most ridiculous thing in the world. "Do you believe me?"

Alayna thought about it for a moment, it was the classic tell-tale signs of a demonic possession "Yeah, I do. Just a couple more questions. On the day this happened, did you... happen to smell anything?" Alayna prompted hoping April would just fill in the blanks.

"Anything... like what?" April asked confused.

"Like rotten eggs or... sulfur?" Alayna said hesitantly.

"Um, no."

"Okay. Um..." Alayna trailed off, tapping her pen, knowing she was going to sound crazy for saying this. "did you notice any black smoke?"

"What are you, crazy?" There it was. Alayna let out an awkward chuckle and dismissed herself, shrugging on her jacket as she crossed the street to where Karoline and the boys were waiting by the cars.

"So?" Sam prompted as soon as he noticed Alayna walking towards them.

"I think she's telling the truth," She said. "I mean, the way she talked about being there mentally but not physically – kind of sounds like demonic possession to me."

"Kind of?" Dean asked, crossing his arms.

"She didn't see any black smoke or smell sulfur," Alayna said. Karoline frowned and shrugged.

"Maybe it's not a demon. I mean, kids can be vicious," she suggested.

"Well, I mean, we're already here. Might as well check out the school," Sam said and Karoline glanced back down at the paper, reading the name of the school in black and white.

"Right, the school..." She said, glancing up at Dean who raised his eyebrow at her.

"What?" Dean asked.

"Truman High," She said and Dean almost choked on the fresh gulp of beer he was taking.

"Truman High? Home of the Bombers?" Dean asked. Karoline nodded.

"What's your point?" Sam asked, looking at them in confusion.

"Nothing," Dean said with a shrug, but his eyes watched Karoline carefully. "I mean, we went there, like... for a month, a million years ago. Why are you so jazzed to go back?"

"I'm not," Sam insisted. "I just think it's worth looking into."

Alayna shrugged at Dean and Karoline and looked over at Sam. "Yeah, okay." Her mind was racing with a lot of memories starting to flow back to her about their time spent at Truman High. Some bad, some good, mostly bad from that time.

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