The Van Allen's vs Its A Terrible Life

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Guys I cannot believe I forgot to update yesterday. I am a horrible author 😭😭😭😭 anyway here's the update now and I hope you enjoy it This was one of my favorite episodes to write

Work was work, as usual. Boring, dull, but it paid the bills. Sam tried to ignore the incessant whirring of the printer as it spat out paper nearby, and the fax machine that was being run constantly lately. He pushed his pencil into the automatic sharpener and watched the shavings peel away from the lead with a sense of satisfaction. One of his best friends, Alayna Gilbert (yes, I got the idea from TVD but it's also Hannah's Maiden name 😂) peeked around the cubicle, having the spot right next to him and smiled, her ponytail swishing at the action. "Hey, stranger."

Sam sighed tiredly, running a hand down his face, "Hey, how was the, uh, ultrasound last night."

"Good, I think I'm gonna surprise myself with the Gender." She rested her hand on her stomach as she said this, smiling softly.

The phone started to ring and Sam nodded at her before pushing the button to answer it, speaking into his headset. "Tech support, this is Sam Wesson." He waited long enough to hear that someone was having trouble with their printer and then started a rundown through the usual troubleshooting list. "Okay. Uh, well, did you try turning it off and then on?"

He poked at his favorite little vampire bobble head stuck to his desk as he listened to the woman on the other end tell him that she hadn't tried the simplest trick in the book. "Okay, go ahead and turn it off. No no no, just, just off. Alright, give it a second." He counted to ten, and tried not to yawn. "Turn it back on.... Okay, is it printing now? Great. Anytime."

Sam peeled the headset from his head and then pressed a button on the phone to end the call, sighing. Ian from the cubicle behind him rolled his chair over to the two of them and Sam tried not to judge his obvious non-corporate appearance of scruffy 2 day growth with a death metal t-shirt and a checkered over shirt.

"Hey," he said.

"Yo." Sam answered, unsure whether he was going to engage him or not.

"What do you think of Mimi?" He asked, and Sam glanced over at the woman he was talking about. She'd always seemed kind of nice, the little he'd had to do with her.

He shrugged. "She's okay."

"Might have to hit that," Ian said with a sleazy look.

"Ew, that's totally age-inappropriate," Alayna said, shaking her head. She was at least twenty years older than them.

"Experience." He pointed out.

"Trifocals," Alayna countered.

"There's a MILF there, Layna. I just know it," he said, pausing. "Maybe a GMILF."

"Come on," Sam said, inclining his head toward the break room.

"Coffee break?" Ian asked.

"Yeah, for sure." Sam answered. Anything to get him away from Mimi and change the subject. The three of them wound their way through the cubicles, passing Paul who was looking a little stressed and focused on his computer.

"Paul. Time for a refuel, buddy," Ian said, banging on the side of the cubicle.

"Sorry, no time," he replied, not even batting an eyelid as he continued to stare at his screen.

"Since when? Dude, we get paid by the hour," Ian scoffed.

"Working." Came the reply.

"Okay...." Ian said with a shrug, starting to walk again.

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