The Van Allen's vs Lucifer Rising

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As soon as Karoline got to the hospital, the first thing she did was run straight for Alayna's room, stopping short in the doorway when she saw Castiel standing at the edge of Alayna's bed. The girl looked terrified, clutching the small bundle to her chest while Tom tried to hold the Angel back. "Cas?" She whispered and he turned to look at her, a battle in his eyes. He didn't want to do this. "What're you doing."

"He's a Cambion, Karoline," His eyes stayed on her. "He must die." Slowly he turned back to look at the child in Alayna's arms.

"No, you won't touch him." Alayna shook her head, the exhaustion showing on her face.

"Cas," Karoline hurried into the room, grabbing Castiel's arm. "Stop. You don't have to do this."

"Orders are orders." Was all he said, this time he didn't look at her, conflicted eyes trained on the Cambion. He started around the bed and Alayna's eyes widened, holding her child as tight as she could while Karoline desperately tried to pull the blue eyed angel away. The child started crying, screaming. The lights above them flickered, and Tom shot up from his seat, looking around in confusion. That's when it shattered, raining glass down on them and the windows threw themselves open and wind poured inside like they were in the center of a tornado.

"Cas, please," Through all the chaos Castiel found Karoline's gaze, her blue eyes pleading. "Please." He hesitated a moment before raising a hand to her forehead and everything was calm again. She spun in a circle looking around the white walls in confusion, her eyes dancing from one crude painting to the other. Then her eyes fell on Castiel. "What're you doing?" He didn't say a word, just watched her, pain in his eyes before he disappeared completely. "Cas," She looked around with wide, frantic eyes. "Get back here you son of a bitch!"


Sam, Ruby, and Daryll spent the night at an abandoned farmhouse, not that Sam slept. He had tossed and turned all night, thinking about everything that had happened. The look on Alayna's face when he said those things to her. Or were you too busy trying to redeem yourself from shacking up with Demon you forgot about her. The look on her face was gut wrenching to see. Now he was putting his trust in those very demons. How was he ever going to repair things with her after all this was over? Then again, the chances of him coming through this alive were pretty much zero, so he guessed he didn't have to worry about that in the big scheme of things.

"Sam?" Ruby's voice snapped him back to the present and he glanced over at her. She was watching him with intense eyes, taking in the mood and his silence. "Your head in the game here?"

Sam didn't reply right away. Then he made the decision to push Dean and the girls out of his mind. He had a job to do. He knew that, Ruby knew it, even they knew it – they just didn't want to admit to it. "I'm good," Sam replied with a nod. "Let's go."

"You okay?" She checked. Sam frowned at her, feeling the frustration of the whole situation rise to the surface. Of course he wasn't okay, but he had to be. He had to see this through for everyone. Putting a stop to Lilith was the most important thing on the to-do list, and that wasn't going to happen without Ruby, and without doing the one thing Dean and the girls wanted him to stop.

"I just said I was," Sam replied, but she didn't look very convinced.

"Look, I know hand-holding really isn't my thing... but still, Dean was wrong, saying what he said to you," Ruby said, it showed him how genuine she was about Sam and the mission, that she was worried about Dean, and their relationship.

"No," Sam disagreed, shaking his head. "He was right to say it. I mean, I don't blame him after what I did."

"Well, after we're done, you guys will patch things up. I mean, you always do," Ruby said, trying to console him.

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