The Van Allen's vs Anna

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A huge shard of glass had cut into Karoline's upper arm as they hit the ground, it needed stitches and, being that they were now on Hell's most wanted list, a hospital was out of the question. Not that it mattered because between the four of them, they had enough experience to rival any field medic, but as Alayna prepared to put the needle through her skin again without any pain killers, she was starting to lament the conveniences of modern medicine.

"Gah!" The blonde muttered as she put the eighth stitch in, pulling the skin tight. "Holy mother of-" Karoline said, grasping Alayna's thigh tightly as she faced her.

"You okay?" She asked, and Karoline nodded, feeling the sweat pouring down her face as she grit her teeth.

"Yeah, just finish it," Karoline said, licking her lips.

Dean came in from the bathroom where he'd been washing blood from his face, and threw the blonde a sympathetic look. "Almost done?" He asked and Alayna nodded.

"I'm going as fast as I can," she said.

"Good, 'cause you know I got a dislocated shoulder over here," Dean said, picking up a bottle of whiskey and drinking from it long and hard.

"I'll pop it back when I'm finished," Alayna said, shaking her head at Dean's impatience and cutting the thread. "What about Sam?" Alayna looked up at him momentarily with a questioning look.

"Stitching himself up." Dean nodded back into the room.

"Give me that," she said as Dean finished taking a drink. Taking the bottle, Alayna poured some of the alcohol over the completed stitches and Karoline hissed at the sting it sent down her whole arm. She used her right arm to grab at the bottle from her little sister, taking three or four gulps of whiskey to dull the pain. Sam came in after that, grimacing at the look on Karoline's face before moving over to the sink to grab a wash cloth.

"So, you lost the magic knife?" Dean said, turning to his brother.

"Yeah, saving your ass. Who the Hell was that demon?" Sam asked, looking up at him.

"No one good," Dean answered quietly, looking at Karoline. She could see a haunted expression behind those eyes, he was braving some bad memories.

"We have to find Anna," Karoline said, drawing his attention back to the moment.

"Ruby and Daryll got her. I'm sure she's okay," Sam said. He stood up, limping a bit from his own injuries where he'd sprained his ankle on the fall, and looking at Dean. "Come on," he said, positioning himself next to Dean and placing his hands at his shoulder and arm.

"Uh-Uh," Dean looked at his brother wide eyed. "I don't like it when you do it."

"What?" Sam looked at him incredulously at his brothers childish act.

"Alayna's nicer about it." Dean insisted and Alayna through the younger Winchester a cocky grin.

"Dean." Sam gave his brother a pointed look and the older Winchester gave in with a sigh. He checked in with Dean, nodding and then said, "On three. One..." Dean yelled in pain as Sam forced his shoulder back into the socket ahead of the count. Gasping in pain, Dean walked back into the bathroom, hanging his head and groaning a little.

"You sure about Ruby and Daryll?" He asked, his voice echoing out to the three of them. "Because I think it's just as likely they used us to find radio girl and then brought that demon in to kill us."

"No, they took Anna to keep her safe," Sam argued.

"Yeah. Well why haven't they called to tell us where she is?" Dean asked, and Alayna had to admit, he had a point.

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