The Van Allen's vs Yellow Fever

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The coroner led the four of them into the morgue and unzipped the body bag, revealing an ordinary looking middle aged man. "Agent Tyler, Perry, Steven, and Whitford, meet Frank O'brien." He said to Dean, Sam, and the girls, and Alayna gazed curiously at the dead body.

"He died of a heart attack, right?" She asked, and the coroner nodded.

"Three days ago."

"But O'Brien was 44 years old and, according to this, a marathon runner." Sam pointed out and the man shrugged at him.

"Everybody drops dead sooner or later. It's why I got job security." He said.

"Yeah, but Frank kicked it here. Now, just yesterday, two perfectly healthy men bit it in Maumee. All heart attacks, you don't think that's strange?" Dean asked, looking at him.

"Sounds like Maumee's problem to me. Why's the FBI give a damn, anyway?" He asked curiously.

"We just want to see the results of Frank's autopsy." Karoline said and the coroner looked confused.

"What autopsy?"

"The one you're gonna do." Dean said with a smile.

A short while later they were watching the Coroner cut into Frank's dead body. This part never usually effected Alayna, but with the pregnancy everything made her queasy. "First dead body?" The coroner asked them, and Dean shook his head.

"Far from it." He answered.

"Oh, good. Because these suckers can get pretty ripe. Hey, hand me those rib cutters, would you?" Alayna took a fortifying breath while Karoline picked up the cutters and passed them to the guy. There was the sickening sound of bones crunching as he worked away at the rib cage. Alayna exchanged a nausea's looked with Karoline who tried to distract herself by looking down at Frank's left hand.

"Is that from a wedding ring?" Karoline asked, bringing the attention to the tan line on Franks finger. "I didn't think Frank was married."

"Ain't my department." replied the coroner.

"Any idea how he got these?" Sam asked, holding up Frank's arm. It was full of deep scratches on his forearm that looked red and bloody.

"You know what? When you drop dead, you actually tend to drop. Body probably got scraped up when it hit the ground... Huh!"

"What?" Alayna asked, glancing at him curiously.

"I-I can't find any blockages in any of the major arteries." He said as he broke off the heart and held it up. Dean looked away, swallowing hard as the coroner inspected the organ. "Heart looks pretty damn healthy. Hold that a second, would you?" Dean's eyes opened a little and he nodded, taking the heart in hand. Alayna smirked at him; glad it was him and not her as the Coroner cut further in
to the body. Suddenly she was hit in the face with a spray of blood and she flinched, "Oh, sorry. Spleen juice." Said the coroner, and Dean smirked at the look on her face.

"Yeah, thanks." Alayna muttered, fighting the urge to punch the Coroner and Dean in the face.

They'd dropped Alayna off at the motel to shower and change, and then him, Sam, and Karoline went to the Sheriff's office. Things were definitely amiss with this heart exploding thing. The different creatures that could do such a thing were running around in Dean's head - Witches for a start, he hoped it wasn't Witches; they were just a headache waiting to happen. Dean looked over at the young deputy sitting at the desk watching them and shifted uncomfortably in the chair, they'd been there for half an hour. Whet was taking so long? Suddenly the door to an interior office opened and the Sheriff exited, "Hell's bells, Linus, have you seen my..." He stopped mid-sentence, seeing the three of them sitting there. "Who are they?" Karoline and the boys stood up, adjusting their clothes and the deputy responded to the question.

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