A cyclops kills us with chili

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The bell hung over the door rung as we got inside of the diner. It somehow started raining outside, despite being in the desert, and we needed to get inside before we got soaked.

"You could have just asked me to make some stew using cacti and other plants. I can make it smell better than this place." Darrien said, waving his hand in front of his face.

"We need some real food, green boy." Hallie said.

She walked up to the waiter at the front. "Hi, can I have 6 bowls of chili and 5 milkshakes?" Hallie said. Then, in a hushed tone, said, "And an extra shot of nectar in our drinks."

The waiter's eyes turned a violent shade of green. He called to the inside of the kitchen our order in Ancient Greek.

"This is a DemiGod diner?" Abigail said.

"Of course. Being the daughter of the dead and shadow traveling a lot gets you places." Hallie said, taking a seat at an empty table. We all sat down. Darrien went to retrieve our bowls. He set them on the table and I plopped one of the bowls for Theseus on the ground. But Theseus barely touched his meal and he kept whimpering like someone blew a dog whistle.

"Nectar in milkshakes?" Darrien said. He barely went to the immortal market place.

"You haven't had, you haven't lived." Hallie said and took a sip.

Theseus then perked up and started growling.

"What's the matter, boy?" I said and stroked his head.

A man with dusty blond hair in a cow boy hat, boots, jeans, and shirt walked in. Theseus tried to jump at him but his leash tied him to the table, shaking the leg of the table.

"Down, Theseus!" I commanded.

The man held up his hand. "S'all right. I like a little attitude in a dog. Though I prefer sheep when it comes to animals."

Theseus started to shake. The man bent over to touch him and Theseus backed up.

"Name's Paul." He said. "Why don't I buy you kids your meal?"

"Thanks." Hallie said.

Paul threw some coins on the counter and pulled up a chair. "No parents?" He asked.

I shook my head. " We were on a field trip and got lost." I lied.

"Yeah. Wonder why the school took us to the desert, though." Abigail said with a murderous look in her eyes.

"Yeah, Colorado has lots of deserts. Ever been to the Bryce Canyon in Utah? It's beautiful." Paul said.

The waiter collected our empty bowls and glasses. We grabbed our bags and went to the door but Paul blocked us.

"Um, Paul, we need to get back to a bus stop." I said.

"Sorry, child of Athena. Can't let you out. You'd be a much better snack than chili." Paul said.

"Pardon?" I said, backing away.

He took off his hat to reveal one large blue eye in the middle of his forehead.

"Bought this hat off eBay. It has lots of Mist to cover it so you DemiGods don't figure me out." He said, dusting off the hat.

"You're name's not really Paul, is it?" Payton said.

"Legally, it's Polyphemus." He admitted. "But who can pronounce Polyphemus? Paul's a shorter name."

I looked around and found that only the staff seemed to be noticing the cyclops. All the other mortals didn't care.

"Sir, we'd like to ask if you would leave the diner. You're threatening these minors." A waiter said.

"No can do, Travis, son of Hermes." Paul answered.

Travis took out a bronze spatula and slapped it at Paul. Paul's shirt burned.

"Go!" Travis said.

Paul lunged but Travis sidestepped. He grabbed Travis by the shirt and threw him at a table. Mortals started to flee from the diner.

"C'mon, guys!" I said. I unsheathed My sword and slashed it at Paul but he ducked.

"I tended 'lot of sheep back in my day on my island. They's feistier than you DemiGods." Paul said.

Darrien threw a cup at Paul and it broke. Paul swung a table at Darrien and he yelped . Abigail knocked an arrow at Paul and missed. Payton closed his eyes and the water in glasses around the tables doused Paul from head to toe.

Paul spit out some water. "What you's gonna do? Drown me? Daddy Poseidon always liked us Cyclops better anyways."

Payton charged with his sword but Paul grabbed him and threw him at the counter. Abigail threw an arrow at Paul but it bounced off him like rubber. His clothes shined and it showed that he was wearing golden Greek armour. Darrien commanded the vegetables in the salads to attack but they just came to life and crawled on Paul. He picked up a piece of lettuce and shoved it in his mouth. Theseus jumped on Paul but he just flicked him to the ground.

I charged at Paul with my shield and shoved him to the floor. He got back up and tried to punch me. He punched me again and I threw my sword at his eye.

"I never liked Children of Athena."He mumbled then exploded in golden spores as I held up my shield.

"That was interesting." Payton said.

"Get out of here?" Hallie said.

"Agreed." I said then ran out the door.

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