Pranks from an overgrown cat

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"What?" Abigail said.

"Unfortunately, Many gods have been unavailable for career week. Just last night I called Apollo and-"

"So you didn't want to call Ares in the first place?" Ashton said.

Mom didn't answer. "We have put out an Olympian Alert for Artemis, hoping she is returned safely."

Pansy turned her head to a GoddessGirl beside her. "I heard that Artemis went to the underworld to talk to Hades." She gossiped.

Since Pansy had smoke writing like her mother, trailing from her mouth every time she spoke, My Mom read the gossip and glared at Pansy. "That is quite enough from you, Pansy." Mom boomed.

Pansy's cheeks turned pink as the amphitheater rippled with snickers.

"Career- ology week shall be postponed today." My mom said. "Unless you would like to hear about inventing from me and-"

"NO!" The students said in unison.

Mom shrugged. "Can't blame a Goddess for trying." She walked off the stage.

Kids ran off to the cafeteria to fill their empty bellies.

The lunch lady dumped some Cheese Styx in a bowl, ambrosia dip, and a carton of nectar on my tray.

Paisley, Abby, and Abigail sat down with me. "Where's Piper?" I said.

"Practicing for Flag team. We have auditions for GG Squad and Flag team. We're the home of the Fightan' Titans. "Abby said.

"What will we be doing?" I asked.

"Just make up a cheer for GG Squad and have a group of three or more preform with you."

I wasn't really sure if I even wanted to join. They asked the first day of school and I hadn't really gave them an answer. I already had enough to worry about but Mom would like to see me join a few extra curriculars. And it'd be a great way to meet some more people.

"I'll give it a shot." I said.

The lyre bell pinged. We all deserted the table. A froggy lunch lady wiped off some crumbs then stretched her long tongue out to lick off most of the spills and leftovers.

I shuddered as I bumped into Professor Hercules. He was portrayed as a handsome, tanned, muscular man with curly black hair. But as he aged, he was starting to lose some of his hair right down the middle, like someone took those buzzing machines people use at a Barbour and raced it straight through his grey- ish- black- ish hair. He now wore glasses, The ones with a black rim on the top but nothing on the bottom lens. He now started wearing long sleeved striped shirts and now used his olive club more as a walking stick then a weapon. He was still okay, 43, maybe, but lost his adventurous touch. He kinda looked like the guy from a Buckley's commercial.

He cursed in Ancient Greek as his scrolls tumbled to the floor.

"Have you seen Natalie Lately, Ms. Triton?" He said.

I shook my head.

The professor sighed. "That GoddessGirl is in quite an amount of trouble. She taped a picture of her father right beside my bed and set a prerecorded tape of a lion roaring so that when I woke up, I'd be face to face with it- I mean him."

"How did you handle it?"

"Well, I obviously didn't shriek in terror and have to buy a new sleeping tunic." He mumbled, his voice trembling.

He stalked off to the west wing and I headed to my locker, wondering if Professor Hercules knew that there was sign on his back that read "Lions slay!".

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