Atlas turn into a hog

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Abby just stared at her. Paisley blinked. Piper had left for flag team. I just stared at Atlas, who was wiggling and squirming but only made the ropes tighter. Pansy had come over to take pictures for the school article.

"GoddessGirl Squad try outs are right now!" Piper said, rushing over.

We all ran towards the coach, except Abigail. I turned around.

"C'mon, Abigail! Let's go!" I said.

"Nah. I kinda wanna join Female Archery Team, or FAT for short."

"You wanna join fat?" I said, laughing.

"It takes place on the same time as your try outs so no point in joint GG Squad." Abigail said, petting Hunter, the Australian Shepard.

"At least come watch us, cheer us on!" I coaxed.

"Fine." She said. Bow Wow, Winnie, and Hunter bounded to Abigail.

I walked to Abby and Paisley.

"Knock 'em dead." Abigail called. She threw a rubber ball across the field as her pets raced to it.

We stomped our feet as we broke into a cheer:

Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom- Boom,

"Titan Pride! Titan Pride!
We're steppin' up, so step aside!
We're the best! We're here to win!
Titan Power's here again!"

We all grew glossy, white feathered wings and flew 12 feet in the air. We all clicked silver bracelets on our wrists that grew into metal shields with letters on the front, courtesy of Hephaestus Forges. Each of us had two letters to hold, Abby had T and I, Myself with T and A, and Paisley with N and S, all to spell Titans.

We clicked our shields and then transformed back into bracelets. We flew down to the floor and rested our hands on the grass. Our wings melted away like Icarus's wax feathers.

Nearby people cheered. I got up with Abby and Paisley, panting. Abigail and Piper rushed over.

"You guys did amazing!" Abigail gushed.

Atlas was still squirming in his prison. His nose was actually turning into a pig's snout as he started growing smaller, and less tanned, more pink. Instead of screaming, he was squealing and his dog biscuit started turning into a bright red apple.

I turned to Abigail and she got the message.

"I prayed to Eris, Goddess of Discord, to turn that sexist pig into his true self." She said, not a trace of sympathy in her voice.

I stared at her. "Fine. I'll only make it last until midnight." She said. She snapped her fingers.

"You mean when the Harvest hop is?" I asked.

"Say cheese, Atlas. Your yearbook picture will look just wonderful." She said, a gleam in her eyes.

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