We are served green mush

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We all trooped to the cafeteria. "I'm starving." I groaned. The lunch lady plopped some green stuff on my tray.

"Orders of Principal Athena. Blended weed water and a quarter teaspoon of nectar is supposed to keep down your cholesterol and your calories or whatever. All forms of fat, sugar, and starch must go." The octopus lunch lady said.

"But if you talk to the right guy, he can get you some ambrosia squares. And a can of fizzy nectar." She mumbled.

She scooped up Golden apple Sauce, from the Hesperides Orchards, and shovelled it on my plate. She gave me a carton of nectar.

"Total is 8 drachmas and 3 obeloi, sweetheart." a scaly skinned lunch lady hissed.

"Wait, what? Last time I checked, Main course, a side, and a drink costs 4 drachmas!" I protested.

"Budget cuts. The school needs more money for new bows, armour, scrolls, papyrus, stuff like that." She replied.
I sighed then dropped my money into her open hand.

"Okay, so first we start to eat rotten guacamole, now we have to start to pay twice as much for food?" Piper asked.

"And 3 obeloi." I added.

"This is outrageous, don't you think?" Abby said.

"I think we have to start cutting our hair shorter and wearing earth clothes so monsters don't have anything to grab on to." Piper said. She spooned up the rotten guacamole and took a bite.

"I'd rather live in the fields of punishment." She grabbed her napkin and spit out the meal. She took a sip of 0%  fat Milk.

"School bites." Paisley complained. "We used to have fun like Beauty- ology or Hero- ology but I'm starting think that this place is starting to worry more about our survival."

"Isn't the class of 8,000 BC Having a reunion?" Piper said, wiping the green mush off her tongue.

"Yeah! My mom's gonna be there, Aphrodite, Apollo, Persephone." I said.

"We should totally get a peak of how they were in middle school!" Abigail said.

"I have my mom's year book from high school. You guys wanna see?" I suggested.

We immediately threw our food to the trash and ran to my dorm.

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