Chapter 19: Friends?

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That night Haise was greeted by his squad mates. "Where have you been Sassan?" Saiko asked lazily as Haise ruffled her fluffy hair.

"Out. I had some coffee with a friend a while ago," he answered. "Anyway, how was the cafe? Anteiku wasn't it?" He asked and his squad mates let out a heavy sigh.
"Sadly, it was true that they closed down," answered Mitsuki.

"Oh. Well that's really unfortunate. I'm going to bed, you guys should too. Its getting pretty late anyways," Haise stated and walkes up to his room. Once he got in, he did the usual routine of taking a shower and changing then he plopped his head face down on his bed.

"For some reason, I feel really tired," He muttered and faced the ceiling. Somehow....the bluenette's face came into his mind. It made him smile. Something he hasn't done genuinely the past few days.

Something about Kirishima-san piqued his interest. She was unique. Haise knew that everyone was unique in their own little way but he feels that she was different in a way. A good way of course.

Will I see her again?

Don't consider it Haise.

What's with you?

Just don't.

Why? Is there some rule that I can't wish to see her?


And now you're shutting up.

Shut up!

Not me. Please just shut up for tonight and let me get my damn sleep!

"I just wanna sleep," he said quitely and drifted off to sleep.


As soon as the multi-colored haired boy woke, he thought of the plans he would do today. One of which is to try and see Kirishima-san. He does have work today, all of those paper work and criminal investigations to do.

After taking a bath and changing into his working outfit, he went downstairs and saw Mitsuki and Urie eating some toasted bread. "Well aren't you up early," Urie remarked.
"Early enough for me to make you some proper breakfast," Haise returned.

"Why didn't you wait for me anyway?" He asked. "Because you needed some rest," Mitsuki said with a gentle tone.
Haise smiled and said, "Thanks, do you mind if I just have breakfast in a nearby cafe?"

They both nodded and Haise waved goodbye.
"I have no idea where to go but I know I'm looking for :Re," The investigator said to himself. Then an idea popped into his head. "I'll search it on Google!" Google had MOST of the information anyway.

When the results came on, he found the address and was relived when it was only a 15 minute walk from where he was standing.

As he neared the shop, he suddenly felt nervous. What on earth would he say to her?

"Oh hey, I just really wanted to see you today,"
Too straight forward

"Hi there, I just really missed you even though we just met yesterday,"
What is wrong with me?!

"Hello Kirishima-san, I was just passing by,"
As if she would belive that

"Ohayo! Besides from wanting to see you, I had the urge to check out this cafe,"
That sounds better!

"Sasaki-kun?" A soft feminine voice said with a giggle. Turning around, he felt his cheeks flush beet red. "O-oh hey there Kirishima-san, I was just uhm..I-i wanted to check out this c-cafe and more importantly, I wanted to see you!" He said all of the sudden. Great way to mess it up dumbo.

This caused Touka to giggle. Such a dork she thought. "Come inside will ya?" She offered and the investigator followed in suit.

"Now what would you like to order?" She asked. "Just plain coffee would be good," Haise said as he subconciously fidget with his fingers. "Don't be so tense," Touka remarked, patting Haise's shoulder.

Haise blushed and nodded. "I'm such an embarassment," he muttered, the urge of hitting his head on the table growing every second. Touka came back with his order and sat in front of him. "Shouldn't you be working?" Haise asked.

"I'm was on break once you entered the cafe so I have 10 minutes or so to spend with you," she says and Haise nods in understanding. "Kirishima-san, would you mind if we get to know each other more?"

"S-sure. I don't mind at all."

"Great, then let't play question and answer!" The boy said enthusiastically. "Shall I start?" Touka asks and he nods.


"Its on April 2!"

"How about you, when's your birthday?" He retaliates.

"July 1~"

"Sasaki-san, is your hair color natural or did you dye it?" Touka ask, tempting to play with the boy's black and white locks.

"My father says its natural but I dont really know," he shruggs.

"Favorite fruit?" (Me:Bad idea to ask Touka)

"Banana bananana," Haise sings that made Touka laugh.

"Favorite animal?"

"A rabbit!"

"Any siblings?" Haise shakes his head 'no'

"You have any siblings then?" He turns the question on her.
"Yeah and he's looking at you right now," Touka says directing her attention to her little brother, Ayato.

After the whole encounter with Aogiri and the CIA. Ayato made sure to visit Touka at least three times a week. So here he is, witnessing his aneki....move on???

Once he sees that the pairs eyes landed on him, he felt his cheeks flush bright red and he turned his focus to Hinami who was helping in cleaning the tables.

"Last question before I go since I need to go to work, wanna be friends and just not aquaintances?" (Me:I for a fact, know that there's a difference between those terms)

"Of course! Now would you mind exchanging numbers?" Touka initiated and Haise beams. They did exchange numbers and it was Haise's time to go. He has an extra 10 minutes to reach the head quarterz which seemed....IMPOSSIBLE.

"Good bye Touka-chan," he says, bidding farewell.

"First na-? Nevermind. Bye Haise."



Me: Moving on, this is more of a.....filler chapter? Kinda. As usual I hope you enjoyed and now its time for the quote and lesson. (Since all of the characters are sleeping atm...I'll have to do this myself.)

Me: "How can someone who cant motivate others, motivate thereselves?" -Viktor Nikiforov of Yuri On Ice

Me: Never be afraid to take risk!

Me: I guess that's all for today~ jaa ne

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