Chapter 9: "Touka-chan, I..I---"

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Months past since Touka and Ayato were reunited.
Like Ayato said, he always finds time to see his beloved sister.

"Ne Touka-chan, 2 lattes please for table 4." Kaneki said.
She nodded. She made the lattes in no time and handed them to Kaneki. Customers soon came in by the minute.

"Touka-chan, 3 black coffees please."

"Touka, ice coffee please!."



"Damn Touka, can you do it any faster?. This place is super busy!."

"Shut up damn Nishiki!."

Boy, was it a busy day.

"And the last orders done." She said wiping the sweat on her forehead. She let out a sigh and took a seat near the bar.
"You sure are tired." Kaneki noticed taking a seat beside her. "You think?." She turned to him. He just laughed it off.

Touka looked at Kaneki, while he was looking outside.
She looked at all his facial features and absorbed it.
I never knew he was this handsome up close she thought.

Kaneki could tell that she was looking at him, but he didn't mind at all. But something was bothering the white haired male, so he diceded to break the silence.

"Ne Touka-chan, can I talk to you about something for a minute?." He asked. "Sure, what do you want to talk about?." She said, facing him.

"Touka-chan..I...I...well I---."

"Oi love birds, stop flirting with each other and get back to work!." Koma and Nishiki cut him off.
A blush crept on the cheeks of the couple.
"Tell me that later okay Ken?." She said before getting the customers orders.

"Okay then." Kaneki whispered as he continued working.

~~Time skip~~

The nervousness was too overwhelming, he couldn't handle it. The feeling was bothering him before he even left Anteiku. It was nerve racking. He wanted to let out the heavy feeling inside his chest
So, Kaneki decided to let it all out.

Touka and Kaneki were assigned to close the shop for the day. "Bye love birds, remember to use protection!." Nishiki said. Their face turned red at the comment and Touka said, "DAMN NISHIKI, WE ARE NOT A COUPLE. AND WE WOULD NEVER DO 'IT' ANYTIME!." Kaneki just stood there, his pale face redder than ever.

Nishiki smirked and went away. Once their blushing selves come down, they countinued closing the shop.
"Ne Kaneki, what were you going say to me awhile ago?." She asked.

He gulped,took a deep breath and said,
"T-touka-chan, I've been having this feeling for a l-long time now. Well, I-i l-like you Touka-chan. No, no I love you Touka Kirishima. I always have, even before I left Anteiku.."

Touka was definitely shocked. She felt diffrent kind of emotions at each word he said. She didn't know what to say.

They were silent for a moment before Kaneki broke it.
"I understand if you don't feel the same, If you don't mind I'll be going to my room." He said sadly.

"Ken Wait!." She said as she grabbed his wrist.
"I-i love you too." She confessed, blushing.
His face lit up and said, "Y-you do?." She nodded.

"Yes!. Oh my god, I almost got a heart attack. I thought you would turn me down." He kept ranting. She giggled at his actions. Finally, she had enough and

She pulled Kaneki into a sweet kiss. Kaneki, who was obviously shocked by the sudden affection kiss back after a couple of seconds. "So uh Touka-chan. Would you go out with me." He asked.

She smiled and said, "ofcourse Ken."

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