Chapter 18: Nameless Girl

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"Ah..." Haise winced as he got up. Passed out again?  He wondered. "Everything was such a blur." He mumbled and massaged his temples. No one was home besides from him. Looks like the rest of the squad wasn't back yet. "It's getting pretty late though." He said as he looked out in to the window. I guess they could handle thereseleves.

"I need some fresh air." Haise took his coat and dashed outside. It was snowing in Tokyo and Haise was glad he wore his boots. He walked where his feet would take him, he wouldn't mind at all. Again, he was walking absentmindedly. He found himslef at the train station which was busy every night.

He was bound to bump into someone, but he didn't care. Of course he did bump into someone and the owner's things fell to the ground.

"Sorry about that-"

Then he stopped mid-sentence, eyes landed on a beauty.

She had purple radiant hair, cold eyes and the charisma that could easily attract people. He was entranced by her beauty. She's the type of person who would want to stay hidden but because of her strong feautures it was hard not to notice.

"I-i'm sorry," He said again.


The girl looked at him. Saying nothing at all. (It wasn't actually creepy for him, but he felt as if she was staring daggers at him.) Silence hovered over them and in a few seconds she said, "Kaneki?"

"Excuse me?" He asked. Did he hear her right? Kaneki?
"Kaneki Ken, is that you?" She retorted. "I'm sorry but I think you mistook me for someone else." Haise answered and scratch the back of his neck nervously.

"I see. Sorry about that...... Mr?" She trailed off.

"Sasaki Haise."

"Right, Sasaki Haise. Now if you will excuse me I'll be going now." The nameless girl said. Going already? Well of course she is. We just met 2 minutes ago!

"Miss wait!" He called out before she could get farther away from him. "Its Kirishima Touka." She said. Haise smiled and said, "Kirishima-san, would you mind having coffee with me?" He offered.

The now named girl thought for a bit. She wasn't really in a hurry and this Sasaki guy seemed nice. Besides, she was quite thristy.

"I'd love too." Haise smiled contently at the given answer and they walked to a near cafe (no it was not Anteiku or :Re)

After ordering, their drinks were brought soon. Haise gave her a small smile as she thanked him. "My compensation for bumping into you earlier." He said and handed her her drink. "Don't worry about that." She said timidly.

"So Kirishima-san, would you mind telling me about yourself?"He asked, intruged. "There's nothing interesting about me but...I also work in a cafe and I'm in college." She said and tucked a strand of her behind her ear.

"Oh really? Then I would love to go to that cafe were you work at." Haise beamed. Touka blushed a little and muttered a little "sure"

Don't you dare Haise~

Would you please shut up for just a minute?!

( Kaneki: didn't know I could be so sassy)

"How about you Sasaki-san? Tell me about yourself." She asked, taking another sip from her drink. "Hmm, I work already and I live with some collegues." He said, avoiding all the C.I.A stuff. "What's your occupation then?" She asked further.

"A-hm..ano..I-i work u-uhm.." He trailed off. He swore he was visibly sweating. How could he explain his job in the most simplest way?!

"Sasaki-san, don't tell me you work as a drug dealer?"

Hahahahaha! Oh my god Touka-chan.

Shut up! First name basis? Seriously?

You don't even know anything


"N-NO! I don't work as a drug dealer I s-swear." He said waving his hands up in the air as defense. Unexpectedly, she laughed. A laugh that you can say was contaigous. It felt like she haven't laughed in ages (which was true)

He laughed along while people in the cafe gave them approving looks. After calming down, Touka smiled.

"I was joking Sasaki-san, I was really curious about your work." She explained. "Kirishima-san, put it simply I work as an investigator for the...." he trailed.


"The C.I.A!" He blurted out, loud enough for her to hear.
She tensed as she heard the word. She had a lot of experience and issues with the CIA. But it isn't right to judge him just because of his occupation.

"A-ah that's pretty cool." She said, lips forming into a small smile. Haise took another sip of his drink just to avoid saying anything stupid.

For a period of time, they talked and talked and talked. Haise sharing his stories-which were quite funny according to her-and Touka telling him some bits of her life.

Sadly, it was cut short since Touka needed to go home. Haise being the gentleman he is offered to walk her there.

They were walking through the crisp night of Tokyo. Their bodies quite close to feel each others heat.
"Ne, Kirishima-san would I see you again?" Haise asked randomly. Said girl blushed a little and said, "Of course. Besides, I did have fun today."

Haise smiled widely, She had fun! He thought. "Kirishima-san, you said you worked at a cafe right?" "Uh-huh."

He smiled for the 100th time today, "May I know the name of the cafe so I could visit you?" Touka nodded and said, "I work at :re"

"Then I can't wait to see you again Kirishima-san."

They stopped at the train station where they met. "Ah I guess I could go on alone. Thanks for the drink Sasaki-san, it was nice meeting you." She said, facing him.

"It was my pleasure Kirishima-san." She waved and walked the other direction. When she was at a certain distance away from him, she turned around and said, "I look forward to seeing you again Sasaki-san!"

Haise smiled and waved.

"I'll see her again."


"He looks like him."



I was just pretty busy. Like my schedule was soooo full and I had no time to write this. Sorry of it looked quite short but yeaaaah~

Anyway for the inspiring quote and lesson we have Urie Kuki!

Urie: Hey.

Urie-kun can you give the inspiring quote???

Urie: "Talent is something you make bloom. Instinct is somethimg you polish." -Oikawa Tooru from Haikyuu!!

Thanks Urie-kun, now for the lesson, "There will always be second chances"

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