Lesson and Quote (Part of Chapter 14)

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Guys, I forgot the Lesson an Quote for the chapter!. Since I might be updating in a few weeks or so, might as well publish this part. Today we have......Eggpla--I mean Tsukiyama-san!

Tsukiyama: Hello Dearies.

Eggplant back away from the readers. Now would you please give us the Lesson of the previous chapter (Chapter 14).

Tsukiyama: Ofcourse, Always think about the concequences of your decisions.

Thanks eggplant, Now for the qoute: "In order to obtain what they want, everyone puts up with things, puts in effort and picks up skills. When they fall, they pick themselves back up" Satoru Fujinuma- Boku dake ga inai machi.

Well that's it, look forward to upcoming chapters. And i've been meaning to ask if you guys would want a Q&A.
I might do it if i get some questions so this thing might be temporary. But, I'll list down the characters you could ask.

Kaneki Ken

Kirishima Touka

Shuu Tsukiyama

Hide Nagachika

Hinami Fuegichi

(You could even ask some questions for me if you want)

Tsukiyama: I hope to see you dearies soon. Goodbye

Shuddup eggplant. Okay, I'll see you guys soon/hopefully/
Buh bye~

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