Chapter 13: "Kaneki! Where on earth are you?!"

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A/N: Hey guys. I have an important A/N at the end of the chapter so please read that later.

It's Kaneki and Touka's day off! Now how would they spend their day off? A date would be good! (Ofcourse).
"Touka-chan, Are you ready?." Kaneki asked behind the door. "Just a sec Kaneki!." She replied, fumbling with her make-up.

Before she applied her foundation, she stopped.
The heck Touka? You don't even wear make-up so why now?
He's waiting for you outside. So stop and get your ass out there.

She placed back her make up kit--even if she doesn't use make up--on top of her table and with one more look she opened the door.

"Hehe, sorry for taking to long." She apologized. He chuckled and pecked her on the lips. "It's okay, now let's start our date!." He said, pulling a flustered Touka behind.

"Be safe onii-chan, onee-chan." Hinami said.
"We will Hinami, see you later and don't stay up late!." Touka reminded. They got out of the shop and started their date.

"So where are we going?." Touka asked.
"It's a surprise Touka-chan." "Okay, as long as its with you."

"O-okay, s-so follow me." He stuttered.
Touka chuckled and replied with a nod.  A few minutes later Kaneki came into a halt. "Huh, what's wrong Ken?." Touka asked.

"Oh nothing, I just want you to close your eyes." He said.
I have the feeling that he has surprise for our date--again--
She smiled and obeyed. "Now hold onto my hand, I'll guide you all the way there." He explained.

She hold onto his hand tightly and they started walking once again. Then, she heard people murmuring whilst they pass. She nudge the male and whispered, "Ken, I feel people staring." Kaneki could only laugh about the situation.

"Don't mind them Touka-chan."

She sighed and squezed the males hand. A few minutes later they reached their destination. "Ne, Touka-chan. You can open your eyes now."

Once adjusted to the light, Touka smiled. Infront of them was a picnik blanket with a picnik basket filled with sandwitches and pastries. Nice and simple.


"Haha, It's amazing Kaneki. Did you get help again or-- Oh you have cream puffs?!"  She said grabing a custard filled one. "You really like cream puffs don't you Touka-chan?." Kaneki said grabbing the chocolate filled one.

"You can't blame me, they taste amazing!. Ehem, going back did you buy this stuff?" Touka asked. "A-ah..about that..I-i made them hehehe."
"Seriously, this is delicous Kaneki. You should make more for me!." She said as she nudged the male playfully.

"Ofcourse. Anything for my Touka-chan." Kaneki said, kissing Touka on the lips. Touka blushed and continued eating.

Timeskip'cause I don't want to naratte them eating.《

"Touka-chan, I'll just buy us some more water. We ran out already."

"Alright, come back quickly." She said as she watched Kaneki go. 


Her phone rang. She checked the caller ID and it was Yoriko calling.

Nothing Stays The Same |K.K/S.H x K.T|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora