Chapter 21: Sasaki Haise. Not Kaneki Ken

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(A/N) I'll most likely prefer to Haise as Sasaki btw

Friday afternoon, Sasaki and Touka met at the train station. "Yo Touka-chan," Sasaki greeted. "Hello Haise. Did you wait too long?" Touka asks. "N-no. I just arrived. Let's go now?" He says.

"Where to?"

"Anywhere with you," Sasaki Haise has successfully made Kirishima Touka blush.

"That was a good one Haise. Care to join me for a movie?" Touka invites, trying to ignore the blush slowly creeping onto her pale cheeks.

"I'd love too." The pair was close to a nearby mall so watching the cinema would be no problem. They ended up watching Kuroko No Basket: Last Game.

(I don't know about you but I'm a big KNB trash XD)

At the end of the movie, the investigator's emotions were all over the place.

"That was so cool! Like..Did you see Kuroko? And Akashi plus Kise, Midorima- The whole team was amazing!"
Sasaki ranted.

"I wanna learn how to play basketball now."

The blue haired girl giggled, "Is it your first time watching a Kuroko No Basket show?" She asks.

"Hai. I don't really remember the nineteen years of my life. I've been busy with work so I haven't enjoyed any shows."

Unintentionally, another sad smile etched on the female's face. Sasaki notices this.

"Let's go have dinner? My treat." The multicolored haired boy initiates. Touka nods with a small smile.

"Two hamburger stakes, black coffee and a caramel machiato," The male orders. Minutes later, their drinks arrived.

Taking a sip of the bitter drink, Sasaki looks at Touka with unreadable eyes.
"May I ask a question?"


"Why do you always have that sad look on your face when you're with me?"

The bluenette stopped sipping on her drink. "Is that so? I'm really sorry. It's just remind me of someone," she apologizes.

"And who may that be?" The investigator tried to push further.

Don't you know Haise?

Know what?

Stop joking around.
You remind her of someone special.
Someone who you know oh so well.
Stop pushing me away.

Stop. Please.

Accept me!

"Argh..." The grey eyed male winced, putting a hand on his head. "Are you okay Haise?" Touka ask, her tone filled with concern. "Y-yeah. Just another headache," He reassures as lets out a sigh.

"Nevermind me asking. Let's talk about something else okay?" He changed the topic and Touka nods.

"Tell me Haise, what are your specialties?"

"Hm...besides from being very handsome,"

Touka laughs at that.

"-I'd say I'm pretty good at cooking!" The male smiles.
"Is that so? Then I'll be looking forward to tasting your cooking," She says, winking at the male.


Sasaki chokes on his drink and starts coughing. Although the sight was pretty funny, The girl asks if he was okay.

"Ugh! Ehem..yeah, I'm okay."

"You actually get flustered easily...cute," she states and giggles.

Damn it Haise! You're supposed to do the flustering...

Well she did call me cute ^0^

The meals arrived and both ate quietly. The tension was killing the male silently as he continued thinking of ways on how to break the ice.

Ah hah!

Taking a deep breath, he starts to speak. "I hope you smile more when you see me because words cannot espresso how much you mean to me."

Cue awkward silence.
Oh shit was that bad?

"Y-you must be the square root of two because I feel irrational around you." He says nervously. A faint smile was already forming on Touka's lips which Sasaki didn't notice.

This was a bad thing to do

Sasaki continued to panic internally but said one last pun. "I find you very appeeling~"

Fuck it. I think I ruined all my chances.

Then the male heard a soft giggle coming from the female. "We make a nice pear Sasaki Haise~" she winks and excused herself to go to the restroom.

A familiar vermilion color cascades his cheeks after realizing what she said.

"I think I'm falling in love..."

You can't!

Please. Let me be happy for once. Besides...I'm not even sure!

If you'll date her, can you protect her? Will you make her life easier? Will you love her as much as I loved her?

Wait what?

"Haise, I'm back."

He turns around and smile. Since they were done eating, he payed for the bill and left.

"You know, I'd consider this a date rather than a hangout, will you?" He asks the bluenette. "Sure. I had fun as usual," She states, her smile never fading.

"I'll smile more when I'm with you. Jaa ne!" She pecks his cheek and walks away.


The investigator lied on his bed, his mind racing with different kinds of thoughts.

I'm falling. Falling fast.

I heard him say that he loved her as well.

Do I love her as Sasaki Haise or as Kaneki Ken?

Me: Hey guys! Another late update ;---;

I apologize again about the slow updates. I have classes starting next week so I still have to look at my sched and know when I can write and update.

For the quote and lesson, we have Naki! (All though he ain't here in this story)

Naki: Hey. I need to give a quote right?
"The thing you wished for the most is something you'll always get"- Aisaka Taiga, Toradora.

Me: Naki-san, it's supposed to be "The thing you wished for the most is something you'll never get"

Well, here's the lesson!


Naki: Huh? Love doesn't have eyes.

Me: *sighs* You should really pay more attention when Kaneki-kun is teaching you.

That's it folks! Thanks for reading.

Nothing Stays The Same |K.K/S.H x K.T|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin