Chapter 16: Promise

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"Kaneki!" Touka said, smiling genuinely.

Kaneki climbed down as fast as he can and ran up to Touka.
"W-what are you doing--" He was cut off when he felt a soft pair of lips on his. When Touka broke the kiss she said, "Saving you dummy."
(Ohh, we get to see touka's sweet side)

Kaneki smiled, but as soon as the tought of the raid happening this moment, that smile faded.
"I'm glad you're safe." Touka said as she hugged him, nuzziling her face in the crook of his neck.

"U-uh y-yeah."

"Kaneki, what's wrong?" Touka asked. "Its not safe here, you guys need to go." He said, serious as ever.
"Uh-huh, so let's go. The others are waiting." Touka said, pulling Kaneki's hand. She stopped when she noticed that Kaneki was not moving.

"Kaneki, let's go." She said, tugging his arm again.
"Touka-chan, I-"


"Ah!" Touka yelped, holding her right arm. Blood continued to flow out of her arm as she tried to bandage it with her handkercheif.
"Touka-chan! Are you alright?" Kaneki asked, filled with mixed emotions.

"I-i'm fine, it's just a scratch--Ah!" Touka groaned.
Kaneki looked around the area to find the culprit.
Shocked, he found Noro holding a gun near them.


"............." (that guys doesn't talk)

"Why did you do that?!" Kaneki asked. Noro said nothing and fired his gun at Kaneki. "Kaneki!" Touka yelled.
Kaneki; being somewhat skilled in this, dodged the bullet succesfully and fired bullets at Noro.

"That's enough Noro-san, Kaneki-kun." Tatara said.
"Let's go Noro-san." Tatara said, motioning Noro to follow him.

Once the intruders were gone, Kaneki's full attention went to Touka. "Hey, could you walk?" Kaneki asked using a gentle tone.
(Oh my gawd, I'm melting while writing this ^-^)

"I think I could...." Touka said attempting to stand up.
She grunted while trying to stand, but because of Kaneki's help things went well. Kaneki guided Touka to a place that was safe, a place where she could avoid being injured by the raid. (Which is located outside of the HQ near a tree)

"Stay here. I need to do something for a while." Kaneki explained. As he stood up, Touka grabbed his sleeve. "Kaneki, don't go." She said.
"Touka-chan, I have to go." Kaneki said as his eyes softened.

"W-what if you get hurt? What if you don't come back?" Touka said, shaking at the thought. Kaneki's breath hitched.
He kneeled down at Touka's sitting form and kissed her.
"I'll come back." He said reassuringly.

"Promise?" Touka asked. "Promise." Kaneki said as he slowly got back up and went back to the raid. Holding his chin, Kaneki sighed (you guys do know what that means right?).

Timeskip brought to you by Noro's silence

"We need back up!"

"They're too strong!"

The CIA members started to worry as their numbers are going down. Kaneki went back to the raid and started to attack.

He shot a guy in the heart. He peirced his knife into a guy's stomach. He bombed a group of CIA members with a poisonus smoke bomb. He continued to shoot, stab and bombed. Little by little, he got addicted to the sight.

(Its because of Yamori's torture)

"What's 1000-7?" He would asked his victims. 
"What's 1000-7?! Hehehe" Kaneki stopped as he came back to his sences. He stabbed the guy to death. His hands were covered with blood. "W-what?" He asked aloud.

Nothing Stays The Same |K.K/S.H x K.T|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon