Marco glances at a man that's in his early fiftes, he has midnight black hair like Jace's... is this is father??? Oh gawd. I nod and straighten my tank top, SHIT I wasn't wearing a bra or shoes or a sweatshirt, but I was very cold. Jeez stupid me! I awkwardly walk to the seat across Marco and mom. I shiver from a gust of wind from the open window...

DAMN why are the windows open at like... URGH! I pull out my Iphone and check the time.. SO why would someone leave the windows open at 3'oclock in the morning??? Its cray! I feel something warm and fuzzy go over my shoulders, I turn and see one of the other men placing his sweatshirt over me... AWW SO SWEET!

I smile at him, He is tall and muscular but his eyes are brown and gently, filled with so much compassion and care... I need to know his name so I can make sure he stays safe, "Thank you, What is your name?"

His eyes instantly warm up at my voice, "The pleasure is all mine Luna, My name is Jared... I am a warrior also." He blushes and takes a seat next to me, he takes his hands in mine, rubbing his over my tiny hands to warm them up. Jared is definitely warm. Collin takes the seat next to me and now everyone in the room is sitting.

I quickly look around, its a big conference room, with a very long wooden table, with spiny chairs all around it, most of the seats are taken... why is everyone staring at me. Someone coughs and I look up to see Marco lifting an eyebrow at me but quickly forgetting I was randomly spacing.

"So, we all heard about you attacking and taking down the third in command, of the pack we are going to war against, What exactly did you do to him? Also before you start anything please tell everyone around the room your story." I gulp nervously, JEEZ everyone is staring and douting me, like im just the Alphas 'Human' mate that got a lucky shot. I get up and walk with confidence to the end of the table so everyone could see me.

"Ok I moved here with my mother about one and a half weeks ago, Jace told me he was my mate and I found out about the werewolf world, but didn't find out I was a faye until we got the idea Holden was my mate too, so we went to the elder Jasper. He thought I was more then human, so he read me and found out I was part succubus, telepathic, and nymph."

"I ran away because I didn't believe it, and that's when I stumbled apon a pack house, but I didn't know it was a pack house... I was new at everything and I wasn't thinking right. So Luke let me in to use his phone and I left my mother a voice mail when she didn answer, Luke invited me to stay until she called me back and I agreed. So I was a good guest and cooked for about 60 people. And during the meal someone thought I was a new wolf because Jace's and Holden's scent was all over me and let it slip they were werewolves."

"So I just told them I knew, and they questioned me being one and I said I was human, because im not completely dumb... I knew I was powerful and that I shouldn't just tell random wolves about my unusual powers. So then after that Holden and Jace came to get me back, Jace decked Luke for trying to protect me from him, so then Holden brought me home... "

"Then Jasper brings people to help me practice my abilities, a succubus named Tia came and helped me, My chi color is green, which is the most powerful... Tia knows no one with that color. So then after nymphs came and tested my abilities, so I am a land, wood and air nymph. I practice all, but when I did air, I created a lightning storm and that took the energy out of me so I passed out."

"So when I woke up we had group training and I showed the people who came my chi feeding and my lighting storm and the 20 wolves saw that came to attack, I made vines hold the leader, the third in command in place... I attacked him using my succubus powers.. I almost killed him but I kept him alive so he could deliever a message to Luke, the message was 'Tell Luke what I am and what I can do, and tell him to never attack my pack again or I will leave no survivors.' oh and how can I forget, since I have three faye abilities, I have three mates..."

"Jasper, Holden and Jace. I mated to Jace and Jasper before I came... I was about to mate with Holden but they barged in and they knew I was mating but they all got possessive, so I left and then went back to see them hurt. I yelled at them then drove here."

I sighed and looked at everyones shocked expressions. My mother wasn't sobbing, she was actually very confused and shocked too. The man that I thought Jace's dad stood up, "How can you be a three part faye?" He frowned as if he didn't believe me.

I smirked, "Would you like me to prove myself? Because I can. Also may I ask whats your name sir?" The man dosnt look shaken, "I am Nate, Jace's father. I would love for you to demonstrate for all of us... a little bit of each power??"

I faked a smile, "I am able to do that Sir. Collin, you are a strong warrior right, so can I borrow you to show my succubus abilities?" I smile brightly at Collin.

"It would be an honor Luna." He nerbously walks to the front of the room and stands awkwardly next to me, I ignore everyone else in the room, I slide my hand from his bare, hard abs up to his chest... I hear his moans, HA! I knew I was doing this right!

I close my eyes and re-open them. Everyone gasps as they see my bright neon green eyes, shinning brighter then Vegas at night. I lean in and part my lips, I don't kiss him but I hold his face and begin to breathe in. I see his chi come out and straight forward to me.

GAWD! He tastes like strength and power, I can feel him melting my insides, making me never want to stop. I sigh and pull back from Collin. He begins to stumble back but I catch him in my arms before he hits the ground.

I pick him up in my arms bridal style, as if he weighs nothing. I look up to see everyones eyes are big... "What????" I could feel my cheeks turning red. I quickly run over to Collin's seat and place him there gently. I kiss his cheek before strutting to the front of the room.

I turn my eyes over to Jace's father, "Believe me now? Also why is everyone staring at me with their eyes about to pop out?" Nate just laughs, "Calla! You are the most powerful person we all have ever met, And you just lifted a 180 close to 200 pound wolf, hes all muscle which makes it impossible for a hum.. a FAYE woman to pick him up, but you did... with out even breaking a sweat... Your invinsable. Welcome to the family Calla, im happy Jace is one of your mates."

Nate smiles brightly before taking his seat. I turn to Marco, "Now why was my mom crying?" Marco look uncomfortable under my gaze, "Calla, we are developing our armies, and you are going to lead the pack to battle... and your going to... take out the... Alpha..."

ME! TAKE OUT THE ALPHA!!! I could Never take down an alpha! Im only a faye! Before I knew it I was sitting on the ground, people were surrounding around me, I look up to see Jared take me in his arms, he says words but I cant hear him... everyone is talking wildly. I wiggle out of Jared's arms and land on the ground in a feral position, "EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP NOW!"

The room fell silent, and all eyes were on me.. I close my eyes, then slowly re-open them reveling my brightly shining green eyes and whisper, "I will lead my pack to battle... And I will take down the Alpha and anyone else that gets in my way..."

Hey guys!! I hope you like this chapter!!! So we meet Jace's daddy, I wonder if Calla will be able to take down Alpha Luke, we will see! Check out my other books on my page, Follow me, Vote on my stories and Comment below!!!! I love you all, thank you for the support <333333

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