Lauren didn't know how they were going to react to Camila. She had no clue whatsoever. She just hoped that they wouldn't make her leave or shout crude things at the younger girl.

"Okay, here it goes." Lauren took a deep breath then rang the doorbell.

Commotion could be heard from the inside of the house, and footsteps were getting louder and louder until the door opened just enough for Clara to duck her head out a bit to see who was at their door.

At first, she only saw her daughter, which made her smile a huge grin. But as Clara was about to speak up, her eyes went to the other figure that was standing right next to her Lauren.

Surprised was an understatement for how Clara was feeling.

"Karla?" She said with a mix of surprise and excitement in her voice.

"Hi, Mrs. Jauregui." Camila didn't want her first sentence to Clara in over a decade to be a correction of her present name. So she just went with Karla.

"Oh my God, come here!" Clara grabbed the younger girl and engulfed her in a big hug. Camila was definitely not expecting this.

Clara even had tears in her eyes. "I can't believe it's really you! We all thought you had died." She confessed. "Lauren her was crying for months and months, saying things like 'I want Karla back' or 'I loved Karla so much'."

Lauren's face turned to a deep shade of red as Camila looked over at the girl with an incredulous expression.

"How have you been sweetie?" She asked, finally letting go of Camila.

Camila didn't know how to answer. She didn't know if she should say that she had been homeless for years, or if she should mention the relationship between her and the green eyed beauty. So Camila just answered with the most common answer. "I've been good. How about you?"

"Well, you obviously know about why you came down here so, not too great. But come on in! I want to catch up with you, darling." Clara motioned them to come in the house, and they followed in quickly.

"Chris and Taylor are both out right now, but I have a pot of coffee on so you guys can just set down your stuff upstairs and then come back down for a cup."

Once in their room, after setting down all their luggage, Lauren finally spoke up. "Wow, that was not the reaction I was expecting from her. After you left, I was sad and depressing to everyone else, which made them a bit unhappy with you. I guess she just forgot all that." Lauren said with a hint of a laugh at the end.

"I'm glad." Camila smiled, than continued. "Do you think we should tell her...about us?"

Lauren thought for a moment, even though she really didn't have to. "Yes. Of course. Why wouldn't we?"

"I don't know. I just feel like if she learns about my past and how we met again, maybe she won't want you dating me." Camila started to get insecure and looked down at her feet.

Lauren, obviously spotting Camila's off behavior, quickly pulled the smaller girl into a hug. "I'm not embarrassed of you, if that's what you think. I could never be." She pulled out of the hug to look at her girlfriend. "I'm proud to be with you. I have the most beautiful girl in the world. Why wouldn't I want people to know that?"

I Know You (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now