the babysitter

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 Scarlett's POV

“No I told you I cant tonight…I still have to be here with Scarlett.” Liam explained into his phone. I’ve been awake for a couple minutes, but I’m pretending I’m asleep until I find out who’s on the other end of the phone.

“I don’t know about that.” Liam replied as he ran his hands through his hair.

“Just think about it. Harry and Scarlett, here alone…that’s not going to happen!” He commanded. I slowly began to wiggle to pretend I was just waking up. “Listen I got to go, love.” Liam said as he hung up the phone.

“Who was that?” I yawned as I stretched out my arms.

“It was Danielle.” Liam stated as he stood up from my bed.

“Is Danielle a friend, or a girlfriend?” I asked as I slowly stood up so I could stretch my legs out a bit.

“She’s my girlfriend.” He beamed at me happily.

“You should go out with her tonight.” I stated as I looked at him while crossing my arms in front of my chest.

“No. I’m not leaving you here alone, or with Harry.” Liam snapped a bit harshly.

“Dude, how do you know it WILL be me and Harry, alone?” I wondered.

“Because if I know Harry he will be the first to volunteer.” Liam informed as he fixed my covers. 

“Ok how about a compromise… you go out with Danielle and I stay here with Harry. BUT you have the other boys come here to check in on us and monitor what me and Harry do.” I coaxed. Liam stood there while looked at me and thought.

“Fine, but if I hear a word about you and Harry doing something I don’t like. Then your both gonna be in huge trouble!” Liam warned, I just nodded and tried to keep a neutral facial expression.  Maybe fate is putting me and Harry together. But wait. This can’t be one of those stupid cliché movies or books…because this is reality. Liam then made his way out of my room and down the hall. I quickly closed the door and did a mini celebration. I think I’ve had a crush on Harry from the start, but I’ve been with Eli for so long. Wait, so I cried my eyes out for three days just for a good thing to happen today?! That’s just messed up! I quickly got dressed in a pair of sweats, a simple t-shirt and a white beanie. And did my normal natural makeup routine and put my hair in a messy high pony tail. I sighed and slowly walked down the steps and grabbed a breakfast of tea and cereal. When I was finished I noticed that Liam was running all around creation.

“Liam what are you looking for?” I asked confused as he raced down the hall.

“I can’t find any good shirts to wear.” Liam stated as he ran back up the stairs. I slowly walked into his room and opened the closet. I skimmed through the cloths to find a plaid shirt.

“Liam!” I called as I walked out of his room.

“What?” He yelled back as he came up the stairs in a rush.

“What about this shirt?” I questioned as I showed him the red plaid patteren. He walked over and grabbed it from my hands and rushed into his room.

“You welcome.” I called before going down stairs to watch some TV. I flipped thought the channels till I found my favorite show…Doctor Who! After a while I heard Liam come down the stairs at a normal pace.

“What are you watching?” Liam questioned he sat next to me on the couch.

“Doctor Who.” I mumbled as I went back to watching the episode. Liam was quit as I watched the episode. But every couple seconds he was on his phone to either look at the time or to text God knows who. But soon the episode was over. I sighed and began to flip back thought the other channels to find something to watch. But the most that was on was the news, soap operas, baby shows, and stuff about cars. Ugh! But then a knocking at the door made me curious and him happy. It must be Danielle! Liam quickly answered the door and I stayed on the couch as I went onto Netflix to find a movie to watch.

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