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Jess’s POV


“So did you enjoy the party?” I asked as we sat there in homeroom, doing nothing interesting.


“It was really fun.” Scarlett replied as her eyes glistened. Her normal brown eyes appearing to be a shade lighter today. 


“So what’s up with John and Hayley?!” Amy growled as she slammed her books on her desk. Kate slowly and quietly sat down beside her. Just another day in Drama Land; population Amy.


“Jesus, Amy. He’s just another player who can’t keep his junk in his khakis.” Kate said very annoyed. 


“How about you stop being jealous and keep calm for today.” I exclaimed as they semi calmed down.


“Whatever,” Amy sighed as she put her chin in her palm.


“I’m telling you; you should go out with Nick instead!” Scarlett added as she gave Amy a slight wink. Nick was basically the wingman of the whole school…or the school’s “Cupid”… Except without the wings and junk. But it’s a bit sad. He goes around worrying about everybody’s love life instead of his own. I mean he’s not that bad looking at all! It’s a mystery why he’s single.


“I’m telling you, he’s not my type.” Amy complained.


“Yeah but he’s a lot better than John!” I stated just before the bell rang. Then we all got up and exited the room. As we all went our separate ways all I could think was: welcome to Hell AKA final exams.




Both Scarlett and I basically collapsed onto Scarlett’s bed. Finals suck!


“I thought that the childhood development test would be simple!” Scarlett complained as she buried her head into the covers.


“Could have been worse…at least you’re not in my maths class.”  I groaned as I tucked a strand of blue hair behind my ear.


“Wait!” Scarlett exclaimed as she rose her head out of the covers. She was smiling madly as she looked at me.




“Today marks the 2nd day until we are finished!” Scarlett cheered.


“But then theirs uni.” I explained.


“Yes, but high school is and will always be Hell on earth. And what’s uni known for?....FUN!...kinda,” Scarlett replied softly.


“Yeah, I guess.”


“Are you ok?” Scarlett questioned worriedly.


“Only a little head ache that’s all.” I said slowly. The finals today got my head making a million twists and turns.


“Oh,” Scarlett mumbled as she sat up a bit.


“So…tell me about you and Styles.” I winked at Scarlett as I saw her blush.


“Nothing, were just friends.” Scarlett replied seriously. Her blush never faded. Oddly enough I just realized how much she looks like Liam; the way her brown eyes shine, her pale features, her soft jaw line, the way her smile settles on her face... But her hair is what sets them apart, her dark brown hair.  


Author's Note:

Sorry for the super slow update! I just have been tied up in school and had a bit of writers block. But trust me I will try to update a lot better this summer! No school and a lot of time on the computer writing for all you lovely people!


So...have a great end of the school year!



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And I will see all of your lovely faces next time,

Crazy Girl


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